Wednesday, July 31, 2019

What Are the Most Important Tools and Technologies for Safeguarding Information Resources?

3. What are the components of an organizational framework for security and control? Firms need to establish a good set of both general and application controls for their information systems. A risk assessment evaluates information assets, identifies control points and control weaknesses, and determines the most cost-effective set of controls. Firms must also develop a coherent corporate security policy and plans for continuing business operations in the event of disaster or disruption.The security policy includes polices for acceptable use and identity management. Comprehensive and systematic MIS auditing helps organizations determine the effectiveness of security and controls for their information systems. 4. What are the most important tools and technologies for safeguarding information resources? Firewalls prevent unauthorized users from accessing a private network when it is linked to the Internet. Intrusion detection systems monitor private networks from suspicious network traff ic and attempts to access corporate systems.Passwords, tokens, smart cards, and biometric authentication are used to authenticate systems users. Antivirus software checks computer systems for infections by viruses and worms and often eliminates the malicious software, while antispyware software combats intrusive and harmful spyware programs. Encryption, the coding and scrambling of messages, is a widely used technology for securing electronic transmissions over unprotected networks.Digital certificates combined with public key encryption provide further protection of electronic transactions by authenticating a user’s identity. Companies can use fault-tolerant computer systems or create high-availability computing environments to make sure that their information systems are always available. Use of software metrics and rigorous software testing help improve software quality and reliability.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Philosophy with Logic Essay

Philosophy has many questions- Asking the right questions†¦ From Greek word PHILO (Love) & SOPHIA (Wisdom) which means lover of wisdom * PHYTAGORAS, a Greek Philosopher, was the first to use the term Philosophy. * He noted that there are three types of man: a. lover of pleasure b. lover of success c. lover of wisdom * the last, according to him, is the SUPERIOR TYPE. * Wisdom here deals with the principles of things, the first cause of all beings. It deals with an understanding on the meaning of one’s existence and the importance of things around her/ him (Socio, 2007). The chief goal of wisdom is a fundamental understanding of reality as it relates to living a good life. * We might say then, that wisdom is good judgement about complex situations. Consequently, wisdom involves reflection, insight, a capacity to learn from experience and some plausible conception of the human condition (Buenaflor, 2009). Philosophy is a search for meaning and therefore intended only for the rational beings. He who has the why of things can bear almost any how†¦- Victor Frankyl Philosophy uses reason to attain its object. Whatever is one’s state in life, whenever she is and whatever she does she will always be left philosophizing. Therefore philosophy is always present. Philosophy- The science of all things by their first causes as known by the light of reason Philosophy covered all aspects of human knowledge. The early philosophers believed that philosophy is the foundation of all learning in the possibility of a total world picture and in the unity of all truths- whether scientific, ethical, religious or aesthetic. Philosophy as subject sought to provide if not all the answers the, the answers to at least the most ultimate and fundamental questions. Why study Philosophy? The study of Philosophy is very important because it offers students a chance to explore the fundamental questions about human existence and to see exactly what thinkers in different periods have had about the essence of human being. Philosophy can help clarify our thoughts. The clearer a person thinks the more she/he expresses himself/herself and more accurate way of examining and making decisions about life. It is philosophy that digs into the root causes of man’s problems and discovers the true solutions and remedies to human ills. Plato- The Philosopher King Why study Philosophy? Philosophy is one of the best ways of enriching your life, even as it prepares you for life. Philosophy’s critical skills offer the best defense against foolishness and falsehoods. Philosophy is one of the most practical subjects in college. Logic helps the students in the following areas: * Interpretation & Analysis * Abstract Reasoning * Research & Synthesis * Communications Branches of Philosophy. * Logic- the science of correct reasoning * Epistemology- it deals with the origin and validity of human knowledge * Metaphysics- it deals with the study of beings and the origin of things. * Theodicy- the study of God in the light of natural reason. (Philosophy of Religion) * Cosmology- the study of the universe from a philosophical viewpoint * Philosophical or Rational Psychology- the study of man not only as a thinking or sensing being but as compose of body and soul * Ethics- a philosophical study that deals with how life should be lived and the means of attaining a meaningful existence. * Aesthetics or Philosophy of Arts- deals with the philosophical study of arts and beauty. It answers the question like What is beauty? Philosophy can also be divided into the following branches called Philosophies of Discipline * Philosophy of Persons- it deals with the study about the dignity of man, truth, freedom, justice, love, death and his relationship with others and with God. * Social Philosophy- it deals with the philosophical study of a society and its institutions. It is concerned in determining the features of the best society as it deals with the study of relationships of the human person. * Philosophy of Science- This deals with the justification and objectivity of scientific knowledge. * Philosophy of mathematics- The aim of philosophy of mathematics is to provide an account of the nature and methodology of mathematics and its importance. * Philosophy of Law- This branch of philosophy deals with the why’s of the law. It also aims to guide people’s actions in political community and thereby protect basic interests or rights. * Philosophy of Education- This branch of philosophy provides a philosophical understanding of the issues in education. It deals with the different methods of education and its effects in the learning of the human person. * Philosophy of Psychology- it deals with everyday reflections on ones thoughts and deeds and on the behavior of others * Philosophy of Religion- Study of God from a philosophical viewpoint * Philosophy of History- This branch of Philosophy is an attempt to answer substantive questions dealing with such matters as the significance or possible purpose of the historical processes and the factors fundamentally responsible for historical development and change. * Philosophy of Love- this branch deals with the meaning and value of love in the human person. * Philosophy of Culture- This is the philosophical study of all aspects of human life. Its aim is to interpret and transmit to future generations the system of values. * Philosophy of Women- This is also called philosophy of feminism, which refers to the study of the legal and political rights of women, as well as the relationship between the sexes in terms of inequality, subordination, or oppression. What is the basic requirement of becoming a Philosopher? – The faculty of wonder. – philosophy asks the question WHY? Where did Philosophy originates? West- Greece East- China and India Factors that contribute to the development of Philosophy in Greece * Geography * Invention of Games * Invention of coins * Myths Logic Etymologically, Logic is deduced from the Greek word Logike denoting a treatise on matters pertaining to thought. The term was coined by Zeno the Stoic. St. Thomas Aquinas defines Logic as the art that directs the reasoning process so that man may attain knowledge of truth in an orderly way, with ease and without error. As art, Logic is the tool of all sciences. The Scholastics considered it as â€Å"the art of all other arts† because it is used in every science and in every practical endeavor. As science, Logic studies the logical properties involved in the act of knowledge such as the logic of notions or concepts, the logic of judgement, the logic of reasoning and the logic of science. As science, Logic is a systematized body of logical truths and principles governing the habit of critical thinking and reasoning. History of Logic Zeno the Stoic coined the actual name Logic. He established the rules of argumentation to clarify the nature of concepts by using the Prior and Posterior analytics of Aristotle’s logical works. This endeavor degenerated because of the clever rhetoric and subtle persuasion of the Sophists. Socrates refuted the error by vindicating the value concepts in knowing reality. Plato, the most distinguished student of Socrates, philosophized that truth is the same as the ultimate, ideal reality. Aristotle corrected this error. He wrote six treatises on Logic known as the â€Å"Organon† He stated that ideas are mental operations that exist only in the mind. He is considered as the founder of science. Porphyrius wrote the categories of Aristotle known as â€Å"Isagoge’ Boethius translated Aristotle’s Organon and wrote commentaries on the Isagoge. Avicenna and Averroes wrote commentaries of Aristotle’s Organon Thomas Aquinas wrote commentaries on the logical works of Aristotle Francis Bacon wrote the â€Å"Novum Organon†. He introduced the Theory of Induction. John Stuart Mill developed Bacon’s â€Å"Novum Organon† Recently, George Boole founded the New Symbolic Logic . Because of its limited scope of application its popularity declined. Methods of Reasoning. * Inductive method- where we can obtain universal knowledge by considering the particular ex. Repeated experience of seeing falling bodies towards the ground. We may induce that this is common to all bodies. * Deductive- When we proceed from universal knowledge to particular cases ex. Logic is divided according to the three acts of the mind. * Apprehension * Judgement * Reasoning Simple Apprehension It is the basic operation of the mind or â€Å"the mental processes by which we grasp the general meaning of the thing without affirming or denying anything about it. It is the basic operation of the mind that leads to a concept; ex. â€Å"man† â€Å"dog† Judgment It is the act of the mind by which we compare two concepts, either they agree or not. If we put concepts together, the end result is called judgement or proposition. Ex. Man Laughs Reasoning It is the act of the mind by which we derive new truths from previously assumed truth. The mind combines several judgments or propositions in order to arrive at a previously unknown judgment; it is called syllogism. Ex. All men are walking Cyrus is a man. Therefore Cyrus is walking. Mental Act External Sign Apprehension Term Judgement Proposition Reasoning Syllogism Terms. The term deduced from the Latin â€Å"terminus† is the extramental symbol of an idea. A term is an external expression of an idea. Ideas are mental expressions of external objects. Logical properties of terms * Comprehension of a term- It is the sum total of all the qualities / elements that comprise the meaning of the term; A manifestation of the essence of the object. It is also known as connotation. The comprehension of animal is â€Å"sentient living material substance†. * The Extension of a Term- It is the sum total of the particulars to which the comprehension of a term can be applied. It is also known as denotation e. g. The extension of the comprehension â€Å"sentient living material substance(animal) is birds, mammals, reptiles, birds, mammals etc.. The comprehension and extension of terms are inversely related. The greater the comprehension the lesser the extension and vice-versa | Comprehension| Extension| Substance| substance| Spirits, minerals, plants, brutes,men| Body| Material substance| Minerals, plants, brutes, men| Organism| Living material substance| plants, brutes, men| Animal| Sentient living material substance| brutes, men| Man| Rational sentient living material substance| Men| Classification of Terms I. According to Extension Extension of Terms- is defined as property of a term by which such a term is applied to other things. Terms have three extensions namely Singular, Particular and Universal * Singular Term is an extension of term that stands for a single definite individual or group. It is used to specify the individual or group. It is quantified by: * Demonstrative pronouns- This, That e. g. this book, that boy * The article â€Å"the† connotes a single idea e. g. the cup, the umbrella * Personal Pronouns- I, You, He, my, yours , he ,she. * Collective nouns- flock, clan, team * Particular Terms-stand for a definite part of the absolute extension. This is applied to a given part of a given group. Particular terms have the following quantifiers 1. ) Indefinite Pronouns and Adjectives- Some, few, many, most, several, not all, etc. e. g. some people, most roads 2. ) Use of Numbers- seven candidates 3. ) Articles â€Å"A† and â€Å"AN† give a particular idea e. g. a saucer, an umbrella Universal terms- stands for every subject signified. This is when meaning is extended to each and every member of the group. The signs of universality are: 1.) Universal Expression/Quantifiers- all, every, each, whatever, whoever, which ever, without exception, everything, no, no one etc. e. g. Ex. No man is an island; All students of Rogationist College will wear their uniform 2. ) Universal Ideas- e. g. Tomorrow is a new day; Dogs are not cats 3. ) Articles in the Universal idea- e. g. The book has pages; A snake is a dangerous creature II. According to Meaning * Univocal- it signifies the same concept or essence, in (at least) two occurrences of the term e. g. Gloria Arroyo became the President of the Republic of the Philippines; Benigno Aquino the president of the Republic of the Philippines * Equivocal Term- The term is outwardly or apparently the same but it signifies different concepts or essences. E. g. left (left hand); left ( gone); right (right hand) right (correct) * Analogous term- it expresses partly the same and partly different in meanings ex. Head does not have the same meaning in head of the family and head of a man. III. According to Quality * Positive in form, positive in meaning e. g. life, justice, truth, * Positive in form, negative in meaning e. g. murder, massacre, famine * Negative in form, negative in meaning e. g.immature, incompetent, dishonest * Negative in form, positive in meaning e. g. immortal, unblemished IV. According to Relation * Compatible- those that can co- exist in a subject examples: wise and good; beauty and brain; rich and famous; tall, dark and handsome; * Incompatible- those that cannot co-exist in a subject. They exclude each other. There are four kinds of incompatible Ideas: * Contradictory- those that express a positive and negative concept. Contradictories are mutually exclusive such that the affirmation of one is the denial of the other. Between them, there is no third (middle) possibility. Examples: legal-illegal; patient-impatient; literate-illiterate; valid-invalid * Contrary- those that express extremes belonging to the same class. Between these ideas, there is a third (middle) ground. Examples: rich-poor; hot-cold; kind-cruel; high-low; beautiful-ugly * Privative- two opposed ideas, one of which expresses perfection, and the other its lack which ought to be possessed. Examples: sight-blindness; truth-error; hearing-deafness; good-evil * Correlative- two opposed ideas that bear mutual relation to one another such that one can’t be understood without the other. They imply each other because one depends the other. Examples: cause-effect; whole-part; husband wife; parent-child According to Object 1. ) Real- it expresses something that has existential actuality, whether positive or negative. Examples: clarity, temperance, scandal, unemployment, chair, table 2. ) Logical- it is used as a conceptual device to facilitate learning. Examples: subject, predicate, classification, division, phyla, genera 3. ) Imaginary- it has no correspondence in reality but is merely a concoction of the mind. Examples: Spider man, flying carpet, darna, talking tree According to Comprehension * Concrete- the term is used to express concrete concepts such as those perceivable by the senses or whose referent is tangible. Example: ball, desk, table,brilliant lawyer * Abstract- The term is used to express abstract concepts such as those understood by the mind or whose referent is intangible. The term denotes being, quality, quantity or relationship. It denotes the property of a thing regarded as an entity by itself. Examples: humanity, dullness.

Functionalism And Machine Aesthetic Of Modern Architecture Architecture Essay

Functionalism in Architecture was a motion during the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century was a merchandise of one American designer Louis Henri Sullivan who coined the term â€Å" signifier follows map. It was Distinct to hold exposed architecture of the being of ornamentation and hence aesthetics so that a construction merely expressed its intent or map. Both in the United States and in Europe, functionalism and machine aesthetics became existing due to the development of the epoch. During the 1920s and early 1930s in the United States, there was a turning automated civilization. The machine ‘s influence on art and architecture reflected the machine ‘s detonation as a valuable signifier of aesthetic. Both Functionalism and machine aesthetics held its ain influence in modern architecture. The reaching of the machine was to hold such radical significance that the undermentioned old ages can lawfully be termed the Machine Age. Among the great figure of cultural alterations engendered by this new epoch was the installing of a machine aesthetic in the Fieldss of architecture and design. This was of cardinal importance to the Modern Movement as it provided a agencies by which its practicians could prosecute with what they regarded as the spirit of the age. The machine aesthetic can be distinguished in the work of each major figure of the Modernist pantheon ; it hence conditioned the full scope of Modernist activity. By using these facets, the ornamentation and unneeded signifiers of designs were obliterated and alternatively replaced by a plainer but functional expression. Despite the turning motion of functionalism and machine aesthetics during the early twentieth century, there still lie the differences and comparings between the uses, positions, and thoughts about them from America and Europe. The difference of the two topographic points someway manifested assorted attacks towards the subject. The machine was valued for its service. Its aesthetic was promoted by those who saw a beauty in the machine — a beauty in visual aspect and map. The machine aesthetic was assumed by all kinds of objects. The expression of the machine was non universally celebrated, yet it was widespread however Despite this consistence, the grounds why single Modernists employed the aesthetic varied greatly, and to reason that they did so merely to arouse the current Zeitgeist would barely look satisfactory. Alternatively, the purpose of this essay is to analyze functionalism and the several utilizations made of the machine aesthetic in order to find why it was so cardinal to Modernist theory and pattern. Since the peculiar character of the aesthetic varied harmonizing to the nature of the involvement in it ( e.g. political, economic ) , the grounds for its usage are cardinal to any apprehension of Modernism. First, the thought that Modernism embraced the machine aesthetic in order to give concrete signifier to the spirit of the age, though non the exclusive motive behind Modernist motion is valid in itself and deserves to be expounded. The Industrial Revolution precipitated a series of huge alterations which can be understood to hold truly transformed the universe. These include industrialization, the rise of the city, an attach toing diminution in ruralise, and rapid technological advancement. In being plundered for their natural resources, even Third World states felt the impact of the new epoch. For many these alterations threatened to make an environment that was both foreign and hostile to humanity and nature. In the cultural domain, the nineteenth-century design reformists John Ruskin and William Morris attacked machine-production for disheartenment the trade accomplishments and individualism of the worker. Since the machine took both tradition and single effort, it would go impossible for the creative person or craftsman to take pride in their work, and the consumer, in bend, would endure the religious disadvantages of no longer life in an environment that had been fondly crafted.1 As a neutralizer, Ruskin, Morris and others proposed a return to traditional trade procedures and beginnings of inspiration that were chiefly mediaeval. In other sectors, this reactionist step was felt to be unrealistically hidebound. Since the machine was, as Ruskin and Morris had argued, incompetent at fiting traditional trade procedures and designs, those who recognised that the machine was an beyond uncertainty world were cognizant of the demand to germinate a new aesthetic that it was suited to. This would re-establish a high criterion of quality in design and guarantee that designed goods were adjusted to the age, instead than being hopelessly evangelist. One such figure was Adolph Loos, whose essay ‘Ornament and Crime ‘ ( 1908 ) argued that using ornament to a designed merchandise was both inefficient and condemnable, because finally it resulted in the use of the craftsman: ‘If I pay every bit much for a smooth box as for a adorned one, the difference in labour belongs to the worker. ‘2 Alternatively, the new aesthetic was to be derived from the new procedures of mass production. The consequence was a simple, essentialist manner that was based on geometry ( particularly the consecutive line and the right angle3 ) . Geometry became a theoretical account, non merely because geometrical signifiers were theoretically easier for the machine to put to death, but besides because of overtones that Plato, amongst others, had invested it with. In Plato ‘s doctrine, geometrical signifiers were beautiful because they were elements of the ageless and absolute ‘world of thoughts ‘ that existed beyond stuff world. The most conjunct effort to joint this manner was given in an exhibition on â€Å" Modern Architecture † at the Museume of Modern Art in 1932.A The International Style: Architecture Since 1922A accompanied the exhibition. Historian Henry-Russell Hitchcock and critic Philip Johnson outlined the rules of the â€Å" International † manner: The thought of manner as the frame of possible growing, instead than as a fixed and oppressing mold, has developed with the acknowledgment of underlying rules such as designers discern in the great manners of the yesteryear. The rules are few and wide. . . . There is, foremost, a new construct of architecture as volume instead than mass. Second, regularity instead than axial symmetricalness serves as the main agencies of telling design. These two rules, with a 3rd proscribing arbitrary applied ornament, tag the productions of the international style.4 Progresss in building techniques and stuffs allowed for a displacement in structural support. Whereas walls were one time weight-bearing, and therefore monolithic, support was now given by skeletal infrastuctures. This alteration provided greater flexibleness in window arrangement ; one time nil more than holes cut in a wall, they could now be located virtually anyplace. Therefore, advocates of the International manner, the architectural equivalent of machine pureness, moved Windowss away from walls ‘ Centres, lest they suggest traditional building. Armed with these new possibilities, asymmetrical designs were encouraged, as â€Å" map in most types of modern-day edifice is more straight expressed in asymmetrical forms.5A Ideally, constructions were non to be randomly asymmetrical, but it was assumed that the demands of occupants and the intents of different infinites in the edifices would non bring forth symmetrical designs — in fact, arbitrary dissymmetry would be a cosmetic device, and therefore an bete noire to the Internationalists. Machine pureness was a reaction against the ornamentation of old decennaries and even the Moderns. Honesty in usage and stuffs was sought — maps should non be concealed beneath a covering, and points should n't be presented as something they were non. Simplicity and asepsis championed the pure white of the infirmary and lab. Stucco was an ideal stuff, as it provided for unbroken, uninterrupted surfaces. Walls were teguments, stripped down and leting for a upper limit of interior infinite. These interior infinites were to be designed separately, fiting the demands of the occupant, to â€Å" supply for the betterment and development of the maps of life. â€Å" 6A Suites were to be determined by map, and the motion between suites was to â€Å" emphasize the integrity and continuity of the whole volume inside a edifice. â€Å" 7A Book shelves and populating workss were the best cosmetic devices in the place.This appealed to Modernists, whose plants and Hagiographas revealed a desire to transcend the pandemonium of impermanent solutions and preoccupation with manners that had characterised nineteenth- century design.The purpose of Modernism was to accomplish the ideal solutions to each design job in plants that would be manner less, timeless and possess the same pureness and lucidity as geometry.Given the widespread belief that the machine symbolised the new century, it was possibly inevitable that certain Modernists should encompass it wholly for its ain interest – strictly as a metaphor, and with no concern for its practical applications. To some extent at least, this tends to be the instance for most canonical Modernists, but this attack is exemplified by the Italian Futurist motion.INCLUDEPICTURE â€Å" hypertext transfer protocol: // ( 1 ) .jpg † * MERGEFORMATINETAs this brief analysis indicates, Futurism was chiefly a literary and artistic motion. It was characteristic of its self-contradictory nature that a motion initiated as a response to the altering environment should possess no agencies of look in the art signifier that most straight conditioned the environment – architecture. This was the instance until 1914, five old ages after the publication of the first Manifesto, when Marinetti was eventually able to welcome Antonio Sant ‘ Elia into the ranks.Sant ‘ Elia recognised the city as the environment of the new age, and consequently pioneered designs that were full with hints of the machine aesthetic. His positions for La Citta Nuova ( 1914 ) underscore the geometry and verticalness of his vision by juxtaposing stepped-back subdivisions with sheer verticals. The interaction of diagonals and verticals this produces invests his plant with the same energy and dynamism to be found in model Futurist pictures. In add-on, his edifices are often surmounted by characteristics resembling industrial chimneys or wireless masts ( e.g. Casa gradinata con ascensori, 1914 ) , therefore doing possibly somewhat picturesque usage of an iconography derived from machines. Futurism ‘s involvement in the machine aesthetic arose from a naA?ve and romantic jubilation of the machine for its qualities of energy and dynamism. The machine was hence valued entirely for the expressive potency it offered. Since they failed to hold on its practical facets the Futurists neglected to accommodate their aesthetic to technological restrictions. For this ground Sant ‘ Elia ‘s designs remained on the pulling board. INCLUDEPICTURE â€Å" hypertext transfer protocol: // ( 6 ) .jpg † * MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE â€Å" hypertext transfer protocol: // ( 6 ) .jpg † * MERGEFORMATINETA deeper battle with the worlds of the machine was demonstrated by those who embraced the construct of ‘functionalism ‘ . This thought played a important function in most signifiers of Modernist design and theory. The cardinal contention was that the signifier of an object should be dictated by its map. The Bauhaus, for illustration, aimed to ‘originate the design of an object from its natural maps and relationships, '11 so that they could be used efficaciously and were rationally related to each other.Of class, the chase of functionalism complemented the Modernists ‘ purpose to get at ideal design solutions – unless objects fulfilled their intent they could hardly be ideal. This led to the impression that a designed object could be beautiful if, and merely if, it functioned absolutely.Function hence replaced visual aspect as the premier rule of aesthetic quality. Artistic amplification was eschewed in favor of clear signifier that both expressed its intent and ensured that this intent was satisfied. Henry-Russell Hitchcock and Philip Johnson, in their treatment of ‘European functionalist ‘ designers ( i.e. canonical Modernists ) , wrote that, ‘If a edifice provides adequately, wholly and without via media for its intent, it is so a good edifice, irrespective of its visual aspect. '12 Explanation of this slightly extremist position was found in the machine. Since the machine ‘s visual aspect was derived wholly from its map it was both morally and economically admirable, which made it beautiful. Karl Ewald ‘s composing The Beauty of Machines ( 1925-6 ) contained the expression, ‘A good modern machine is aˆÂ ¦ an object of the highest aesthetic value – we are cognizant of that'.13 For grounds of this the Modernists looked to the USA, where an unselfconscious functionalism had been put into pattern by innovators like Samuel Colt and, in peculiar, Henry Ford. Ford brought the construct of standardization to his auto works, with consequences that were seen as about amazing. His traveling meeting line system, which involved specialized phases of fiction and indistinguishable parts, had enabled him to dramatically increase auto production. His success was such that industrialists and makers across the universe were following these methods. Theoretically, their goods were now readily available and continually deprecating in monetary value, even as net incomes soared. Paul Greenhalgh has observed that Modernists recognised the demand to encompass engineering for these grounds of economic system and handiness. It was the agencies by which Modernism could be promoted worldwide. In add-on, the standardization advocated by Ford would ease rapid building and maintenance.14A Therefore, the illustration of Ford and others encouraged the Modernists to see the machine as the absolute ideal of functionalism. This can be confirmed by mention to Le Corbusier. INCLUDEPICTURE â€Å" hypertext transfer protocol: // † * MERGEFORMATINET Much of Le Corbusier ‘s pronunciamento Vers une architecture ( 1923 ) is dedicated to advancing the architectural virtuousnesss of the machine. His celebrated declaration, ‘The house is a machine for life in, '15 frequently misunderstood, meant that the guiding rule for designers should be to do the house as good suited to its intent as was a machine. This reiterated the statement that functionalism was more of import than visual aspect. In order to come on, he believed, it was necessary for designers to abandon the impression of traditional manners and cosmetic effects: ‘Architecture has nil to make with the assorted ‘styles'aˆÂ ¦ [ They are ] sometimes reasonably, though non ever ; and ne'er anything more. '16 this implies that he saw the aesthetic, non as merely another manner, but as the really substance of architecture. Alternatively, he drew analogues between architecture and the ‘Engineer ‘s Aesthetic ‘ , reasoning that applied sc ientists were to be praised for their usage of functionalism and mathematical order. As a effect, designers were encouraged to emulate applied scientists and follow these rules in order to achieve harmoniousness and logic in their designs. To reenforce this statement the illustrations of Vers une architecture celebrated the functional and architectural integrity of Canadian grain shops, ships, airplanes and cars. From a present twenty-four hours perspective his rules are better illuminated by his architecture, since these illustrations ( e.g. the Caproni Triple seaplane ) seem instead old. The Maison Dom-Ino ( 1915 ) was an early illustration of his Engineer ‘s Aesthetic: three indistinguishable planes are suspended above each other by steel columns, a method of building that frees the walls of their supporting intent, and allows his construct of the ‘free facade ‘ to be introduced. An external stairway communicates between each degree, and its location permits an unprecedented infinite and lucidity in the program. The constituents were all to be standardised and pre-fabricated, which would let for rapid building. This house was hence a merchandise of Le Corbusier ‘s purpose to use the rules of mechanical mass production to domestic architecture. INCLUDEPICTURE â€Å" hypertext transfer protocol: // ( 1 ) .jpg † * MERGEFORMATINET However, a significant organic structure of unfavorable judgment ( e.g. Greenhalgh, Sparke ) has argued that this functionalism of Modernist theory was non based in world. The machine aesthetic remained merely that, as few of the designs were capable of being standardised. For illustration, the Grand Comfort chair by Le Corbusier and Charlotte Perriand was neither functional nor standardized. It required no less than 18 dyer's rockets and three stuffs, doing it expensive and capable of production merely by workmanship. Le Corbusier ‘s marquee L'Esprit Nouveau featured door grips purportedly derived from auto or airplane grips. These were non standardised but had to be made separately. INCLUDEPICTURE â€Å" hypertext transfer protocol: // ( 1 ) .jpg † * MERGEFORMATINET At the Bauhaus, Marianne Brandt ‘s tea service ( 1928/30 ) embodies the machine aesthetic with its geometrical, angular signifiers, but, once more, these characteristics made it unsuited to machine production. For this ground, virtually no merchandises of Modernism were mass-produced, at least until the manner was modified and practised on an international degree in what became known as the International Style. For the innovator stage, mass production remained a metaphor that could non yet be emulated.17A farther dimension which has non yet been discussed is the political map of the machine aesthetic.This was hinted at in Loos ‘ belief that it improved the domination of the worker, but here the importance was on the labour-saving potency of the machine. Loos celebrated the aesthetic because, theoretically, it reduced the hours of attempt required of the worker by avoiding unneeded decoration. This line of concluding even occurs in the theories of the politically diffident Le Corbusier, whose Freehold Maisonettes of 1922 used mechanical applications and ‘good administration ‘ derived from machines to cut down the demand for human labor, and therefore relieve the work loads of servants.18 It did non needfully follow in either instance, nevertheless, that the machine could function as an instrument for societal release. INCLUDEPICTURE â€Å" hypertext transfer protocol: // † * MERGEFORMATINET This possibility was non to the full explored until the influence of Modernism had spread and produced a diverseness of practicians. To the progressively machine-orientated Bauhaus Moholy-Nagy imparted his belief that the machine was inextricably linked with socialism because it was an absolute. He wrote: ‘Before the machine, everyone is equal – I can utilize it, so can you. . . There is no tradition in engineering, no consciousness of category or standing. Everybody can be the machine ‘s maestro or slave. '19 This belief was widespread amongst Modernists, with Theo Van Doesburg being another noteworthy advocate. Van Doesburg praised the machine as a medium of societal release, and denied that handcraft possessed this capableness, since handcraft, ‘under the domination of philistinism, '20 reduced work forces to the degree of machines. But as Charles Jencks has observed, Van Doesburg ‘s enthusiasm for the machine went beyond its labour-saving potency, it was besides based upon its ‘universalising, abstract quality. '21 In Jencks ‘ lineation, the machine ‘s impersonality enforces equality between its users, which in art would take to the universal and the abstract. The consequence would be the realization of a corporate manner that was universally valid and comprehendible, based as it was upon the abstract signifiers of the machine. INCLUDEPICTURE â€Å" hypertext transfer protocol: // † * MERGEFORMATINET Paul Greenhalgh suggests that such an internationalism was cardinal to Modernists ‘ theory and was an inevitable status of their pursuit for a ‘universal human consciousness. '22 In order to accomplish this, national boundaries had to be disposed of, every bit good as those between subjects ( such as all right art and design ) and political categories. Greenhalgh confirms that the abstract, geometrical aesthetic appealed to Modernists because it could be used as a common linguistic communication through which different nationalities could get at unvarying solutions, thereby fade outing national boundaries. ‘In its exclusion per Se of linguistic communication, abstraction was the aesthetic which enabled the ethic, internationalism, to be realised. '23 Though he does non utilize the term, the aesthetic Greenhalgh refers to is that of the machine, since it is derived from and ( theoretically ) tailored for machine production. I would therefore argue that Modernists associated the aesthetic with internationalism, non merely because of its abstract quality, but besides because its beginnings in the machine imbued it with the cosmopolitan quality that Moholy-Nagy and Van Doesburg recognised in this beginning.The practical usage of the machine aesthetic ‘s political map is best illustrated by the Russian Constructivist motion.It is possibly surprising that an aesthetic originating from the machine – the foundation of capitalist economy – could boom in the political clime following the Communist revolution. Loos ‘ thought of the machine as labour-saving device was, of class, cardinal in deciding this quandary, as was the societal release and classlessness revealed by Van Doesburg and Moholy-Nagy. Besides instrum ental, no uncertainty, was the fact that, in this epoch, Russia was still mostly a rural, peasant state possessing no heavy industry. The negative facets of the machine would hence hold been less obvious than the myths of its glorious effects. In this clime of rural poorness and political excitement, the machine seemed capable of transforming society, and the aesthetic became the perfect metaphor for revolution and nation-wide advancement. Since this made the aesthetic an priceless resource for Communist propaganda, many of the taking interior decorators were commissioned to make plants that mythologized the revolution. Significantly, this state of affairs did non merely affect the authorities pull stringsing design to its ain terminals ; many of the creative persons and interior decorators were every bit committed to the thought that they could function the new society. The Constructivist motion was so named because its members saw it as their undertaking to ‘construct ‘ the environment for a new society in the same manner that applied scientists constructed Bridgess and so on.25 Proletkult promoted the integrity of scientific discipline, industry, and art: Vladimir Tatlin, for illustration, believed design was linked to technology, and saw the interior decorator as an anon. worker edifice for society.26 Tatlin ‘s Monument to the Third International ( 1919-20 ) reflects this ethos. This projection for a 400m tall tower ( merely a scaled-down theoretical account was built ) clearly represents the brotherhood of art and building – its sculptural signifier of two entwining spirals and a surging diagonal constituent is rendered in a lattice building suggestive of technology. Equally good as resembling a machine, the tower really functioned as one: it featured four transparent volumes that rotated at different velocities ( annually, monthly, day-to-day and hourly ) . These were intended to house authorities offices for statute law, disposal, information and cinematic projection. It should be pointed out that none of these grounds for involvement in the machine aesthetic were reciprocally sole, and single Modernists did non adhere to it for any individual ground. Each partook, to some extent, of most of them. The enthusiasm of the European Functionalists besides involved the political involvement observed in Constructivism. At the same clip, an component of the Futurists ‘ romantic captivation can be detected in the thought of Le Corbusier, the Bauhaus, and all those for whom mass production remained out of range. In decision, as instance after instance demonstrates, the Modernists ‘ enthusiasm for the machine aesthetic continued to be of an ideological instead than a practical nature. The machine was embraced as an thought by interior decorators who failed to hold on the worlds of mass production. Since their aesthetic was hence inspired by the machine but non adapted to it, in many instances this really impeded its realization. This is highlighted by the illustrations of Futurism, Constructivism and even facets of the Bauhaus, where legion strategies could non be put into practice.A However, the importance of the machine aesthetic within Modernism should non be underestimated ; it was practised so widely, so constituted an International Style, exactly because it was deemed to be the ideal and most logical manner of gaining the cardinal dogmas upon which Modernism was founded. These included truth, internationalism, map, expiation with the age, and so on. The belief that the aesthetic w as universally valid is reflected by the great assortment of utilizations to which it was applied, such as Utopian, political, economic etc. For this ground it is no hyperbole to state that, for the Modernists, it was non a inquiry of aesthetics at all, but of a Machine Ethic.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Enterprise Resource Planning (operations management)1 Assignment

Enterprise Resource Planning (operations management)1 - Assignment Example ment is the success formula to get going through the development phases, they provide incremental improvement over time since they slot in the four steps of continuous development i.e., PDCA – Plan, Do, Check and Act (ASQ). Continuous improvement sweeps in a lot of finances and is a tiresome activity on part of the practioners since the assimilation of Total Quality Management, Sigma and Lean emphasize teamwork and computing systematizing processes. Since this process is so expensive to setup and involves an uphill movement, organizations hold the right to save their efforts and codify their labors using high tech Information Technology tools. To maximize the advantages of ERP and overcome the threats of innovation, the ERP systems should be enriched with customization tools. Following are some of the methodologies that can be integrated to overcome the limitations of ERP towards

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Effect of Culture in the International Collaboration Essay

The Effect of Culture in the International Collaboration - Essay Example According to the research findings, there are different types of collaborations used by organizations around the world. The choice of the type of collaboration that organizations choose, as put by Shaughnessy, depends on the various factors such as the nature of the project they want to undertake, the objectives of the parties, the risks involved and the scale of operations. There are five main types of collaborations used by organizations in the modern world, informal agreements, strategic alliances, strategic partnerships, joint ventures as well as revenue and risk sharing partnerships. These are informal agreements characterized by the employment of little legal structures. They mostly involve verbal agreements between the boards of management of the two parties and usually, involve short-term agreements in projects that will last for a short period. Here, the number of risks faced by the members is reasonably low and thus, the establishment of the agreements base on mutual trust between the parties involved. However, in some conditions, very long lasting collaborations and joint business operations can operate in this manner. This type of collaboration involves organizations that lack any substantial degree of ownership and work jointly to gain mutual benefit in a strategically important relationship. Being mere relationships rather than specific inter-organizational structures, strategic alliances lack a well-defined legal form. The alliances align suitably, to the goals and objectives of the organizations involved. In strategic alliances, the partners preserve their autonomy but there is an existence of mutual dependency that aims at pooling their resources together and assist each other in dealing with the challenges posed by the market.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

1. What is meant by 'value' and how it is different from 'principle' Assignment

1. What is meant by 'value' and how it is different from 'principle' 2. Plan on how you will enhance your 'interpersonal skills' - Assignment Example Interpersonal skills generate effective channels in the external environment of a given individual. Developing interpersonal skills requires building rigid relationships between family members, neighbors and workers. This process entails reciprocating favors, appreciating existing relationship within given environments (Wright, 2007). Ethical behavior dictates individual position within a society. Team unity originates from reliable ethical behavior and professionalism. Various organizations demand various levels of interpersonal relations. Identifying personal goals builds focus on decisive directions for an individual or group. Empathy is a virtue that promotes interpersonal skills and depicts equality and generosity. Personal ethics require a routine regulation to improve interpersonal skills. This development mandates an assessment of individual ethics. As such integrity plays a significant role towards developing behavior and character. Developing exceptional character entails evaluating individual deeds based on the effect on other people’s lives. Conflict resolution is an indicator of developing interpersonal skills. Rendtorff, J. D. (2010). Power And Principle In The Market Place On Ethics And Economics. Farnham, Surrey, England, Ashgate.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Detection of Attacks Executed by Multiple Users Dissertation

Detection of Attacks Executed by Multiple Users - Dissertation Example Some of these mass-users attacks are triggered by the big companies and manipulation of online items reputation can be hazardous for the customers. As a rule, well-known products are chosen for this type of attacks. For example, Amazon books, some hotels in travel sites, and a great number of digital content can be a fertile ground for mass-users attacks. Not only these vicious and hazardous attacks can be the greatest challenge of the electronic life, but still Netizens and other computer world dwellers are intimidated by mass-users attacks. Under conditions of this type of attacks, fraudulent users implement their well planned strategies and manipulate reputation of numerous target products. To consider these attacks and the ways of dealing with them, it is possible to apply a defense scheme that (1) develops heterogeneous thresholds for developing protection against suspicious products and (2) analyzes focus items on the basis of correlation analysis among suspicious items. Real u ser data and simulation data should be correlated and on the basis of such kind of correlation it is relevant to identify potential mass-user attackers. The given scheme shows the main advantages in finding out fraudulent users, recovering challenging errors in the systems, and reducing attacks related to normal products, sites etc. Â   The problem of attacks executed by multiple users is a complicated task and the modern researches are working in the name of these fraudulent groups identification. The main task of the modern researchers in this field is to apply advanced artificial intelligence and complex adaptive systems to stop, foresee and prevent distributed attacks of the network. Multiple attackers work together and very often it is difficult to foresee and prevent this type of an attack. Data Reduction Techniques is one of the most convenient means of preventing this type of attacks. IDS approaches are nowadays limited in a proper identification of relevant information in high-speed network data streams. The appropriate analysis of IDS enables taking control over such type of attacks. There is a need to conduct a dynamic and real-time control over current attacks. Relevant information can be processed and it can serve as an input vector to IDS. There is another challenge, which is a great variety of activity and processes occurring in the network environment to identify a subset of data that is very difficult for analysis. There is a suggestion to design an anomaly detection scheme for prevention of mass online attacks. This underlying scheme is based on several components integration: first is the importance of time-domain change detection, the second step is the importance of system-level visualization, the third are the selection of heterogeneous threshold and a conduct of a proper correlation analysis. Therefore, we can claim that for prevention and protecting computer systems from mass-users attacks it is necessary to pay attention to the new ph ilosophy. Currently existent schemes of attack prevention and protection are mainly based on homogenous correlation of items and the proposed scheme provides a much better performance in the process of malicious users' detection and reducing impacts on normal issues. Due to a wide range of activities and processes, the identification of fraud in a network environme

Thursday, July 25, 2019

American Community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

American Community - Essay Example Indeed, and as the case of example of the Asian American immigrants establishes, not only are groups divided between themselves but, within themselves. Affirmative action, primarily targeting the African American community, is alternately viewed as a means of leveling the playing ground and as a discriminatory practice. Insofar as its proponents are concerned, affirmative action effectively ensures that colleges and universities, among other institutions, maintain a quota for African American candidates/students. In this way, African Americans are assured a place in institutions which would have otherwise been closed to them, largely because of their socio-economic circumstances and, as such given an invaluable opportunity for mobility. It is important to note here that proponents regard affirmative action as society's responsibility towards the African American community and, the least of that which is owed them. Opponents, on the other hand, inclusive amongst which are some members of the African American community, maintain that affirmative action is inherently discriminatory and racist. ... rican American community does suffer from a more restricted range of opportunities than does the majority and in light of the fact that latent racism may further constrain these opportunities, affirmative action is necessary. Indeed, rather than consider it a negative remark on the abilities of African Americans, it could be more properly understood as a policy predicated on a lack of faith in society's own ability to judge African Americans on their own merit, rather than their skin color. Further fortifying the importance of affirmative action is the status of African Americans on all of the socio-economic indicators versus that of a comparatively recent immigrant group, the Asians. In direct comparison to the African American's close to four centuries of history in the United States, the Asian American's history in the United States is short, with the first immigration wave dating to the mid-nineteenth century. This first influx of Asian immigrants was almost wholly comprised of Chinese manual laborers. Before this ethnic population could swell in numbers, Chinese immigration exclusionary measures were instigated in 1882, effectively halting Chinese immigration while encouraging Japanese Asian immigration. Eventually, however, discriminatory policies, halted Asian immigration to America from the 1920s to the 1960s. Anti-Asian sentiments, as which instigated the implementation of discriminatory and exclusionary immigration policies, reached its peak during World War II. Japan's alliance with Nazi Germany and most especially its attack on Pearl Harbor, led to widespread violence against Asian Americans. Indeed, following the said attack, Japanese Americans were interned in camps, unthinkingly classified as enemies despite the fact that many had been born in

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Identify the Individual Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Identify the Individual - Assignment Example The chemistry felt surreal. I could instantly feel the attraction which was thick and exciting. After the formal introduction, we parted ways but not for long. After about 2 weeks of passer-by greetings, I decided to ask her for her phone number. This was the beginning of escalating, and intense daily phone conversations which lasted about 1 week. The daily conversations were enduring and after the week session, we had our first dinner date at a nearby restaurant. The date would be the beginning of a more personal relationship that consisted of us frequently visiting each other's homes. The relationship began to become more serious as we spent more time together. After about 3 months of steady dating and meeting each other’s family, we took our relationship to another level. There was no denying that my feelings for Leasa were deep and passionate, so after dating for approximately 3 months, I decided to ask Leasa to be my girl by dating each other exclusively. Leasa stated she felt the same way and hence a monogamous relationship formed. Over the next year, we grew closer and the relationship deepened. We began to spend nights at each other's houses and ceased all phone calls from former lovers. However, one night as Leasa spent the night an old friend of mine called just to check in. Our relationship was never serious but we decided to remain friends. Even though the phone call was one of an innocent nature, Leasa grew jealous and we had our first real argument. We had disagreed before, however, this particular argument went on for hours and we stayed up all night arguing then making up. We grew closer that night and our relationship entered a new phase. Although Leasa seemed to be tailor-made for me, there were some significant differences in some core beliefs. Leasa wanted to get married before moving in together and wanted to start a family immediately.  

The Accountability Strategy read chapter 8 Article

The Accountability Strategy read chapter 8 - Article Example To measure activities used in teaching mathematics in a school, the most important measure involves imparting new skills thus the need to evaluate the learning resources applied by the teacher. There is also need to assess the amount of time spent in effective instruction and the means used. For example hands-on learning is more effective, thus by this assessment, activities can be measured. In measuring output, keys aspects to look into entail, attendance can be used as a measure since high attendance of the lesson indicates interest, while the outcomes can be measured against the objectives of the lesson, which in this case would be application question in a test depicting real life events. This is particularly possible in algebra lessons, which are both abstract and applicable. Therefore, effectiveness can be measured using the amount of time spent teaching and this can then be put against the goals and objectives. More time with poor results indicate low efficiency, while less time and better results indicates otherwise. Collection of information about efficiency, output, outcome and activities can be obtained from official records since all teachers are required to keep records of the work they have taught. As such, this makes it easy to obtain information unless the data is confidential, as is the case with test scores. If the names of students are not required, then the acquisition of this data becomes fairly easy. Collection of data is meant to evaluate effectiveness of methods of teaching and the resources allocated to the teacher, as well as the time taken to teach (Berman, 2006 pg. 150). As a result, the most important aspect of the data is in the learning outcomes, where learning outcomes take centre stage. This affects the choice of performance measure in that the outcome has to be reflected on most in spite of the purposes overlapping. The difference between accomplishments and activities is narrow as there is

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Social venture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Social venture - Essay Example Through the efforts of volunteers, the food collected are â€Å"sort, repack and shelve almost 400 tons of food at our warehouse every week, doing the work of what would be about 50 full-time employees† San Francisco Food Bank (2011). This makes the organisation boast of close to two million pounds of food in their warehouse. These pounds of food are given back to society by delivering them to over four hundred local non-profit making organisations who for various reasons may be in need of the food. Social Problems and Challenges addressed by San Francisco Food Bank As its name suggest, the social problem addressed by San Francisco Food Bank is hunger reduction and provision of food to feed the masses. This social problem addressed by the organisation cannot be described with any other words better than saying it is a course in the right direction. The decision to tackle food related problem is particularly important noting the fact that scholars shuch as Abraham Maslow recogn ises food as the number one need of humanity. This way, it is true to conclude that San Francisco Food Bank tackles the most important social problem of humanity. The basis on which the organisation operates in this venture of social problem is seen in its mission statement, which is stated as â€Å"We provide food to over 24,000 households in San Francisco and Marin counties each week. We will distribute 41.5 million pounds of food to the community this year, enough to feed 88,000 meals every day† (Charity Navigator, 2011). Clearly, the figure of 88,000 meals everyday is awesome and needful. Inversely, the city of San Francisco would have 88,000 meals missed every day and some 24,000 households would have suffered empty stomach but for San Francisco Food Bank. Strategies used in addressing social problems The major strategy used by San Francisco Food Bank in the jurisdiction of its social mission is volunteerism and fundraising. According to the organisation, they â€Å"rel y on volunteers like you to help sort, package and distribute healthy food to people in need in San Francisco† (San Francisco Food Bank (2011). Volunteerism is also seen in the acquisition of the food in the organisation’s ‘food bank’. This way, the company acknowledges the fact that â€Å"this can include test-marketed products, items close to code date, produce that is the wrong shape or size for conventional markets and excess. Food drives are an important source of variety.† Day in an out, the organisation through mass media advertisement and publicity programs solicit for the inclusion of the ordinary San Franciscan in its volunteer activities. The organisation also organises fundraising events that aims at soliciting for physical cash for the running of the organisation. Scrutiny of San Francisco Food Bank’s Strategies in addressing Social Problems – including Projected Social Impact The major strength of San Francisco Food Bankâ €™s strategy for addressing its social interventions is that the work output of the company is extremely large to be undertaken by regularly and fully employed workers, especially as the organisation is only a non-profit making venture. Volunteerism is chosen by the organisation purposely because the work load on the organisation is extremely tedious and vast. Needing to feed over 24,000 households with 41.5 million poun

Monday, July 22, 2019

Poverty Essay Introduction Essay Example for Free

Poverty Essay Introduction Essay Poverty is a serious issue that has been going on for centuries. Every day there are people who die due to hunger but there are solutions to reducing, and even stopping, poverty. Global poverty comes in an abundance of shapes and sizes. One of the main sources of poverty is the lack of investment in the future at all levels. The manufacturer outsources to China because he does not want to invest in long-term employees. The government does not want to invest in quality employees through education, infrastructure, health care, etc. The potential employee does not want to invest in his future through education or training, but would rather have immediate gratification of leisure. A second main source is the lack of certain basic government functions. The government needs to be able to provide stability, through laws and establishing property rights. Without these basic things, there is little incentive for the people to develop new products, or work hard, because it will just be taken away by someone more powerful. I dont think government is the solution to everything, but it is necessary for a few basic functions.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Lives of Athenian and Spartan Women

Lives of Athenian and Spartan Women Athens and Sparta were known as the famous Greek city states. The two governed their city state differently in political system, social life, economy, education, religious view, and so on. Another main difference was the womens rights and power. Athenian women were horribly treated. They were highly kept and protected at home because the belief to Athenian men was that women were highly sexual beings who could not control their sexual urges and therefore had to be restricted for their own benefit. On the other hand, Spartan women enjoyably live with their status, rights, power, and respect which the women of another Greece city states werent lucky to be delight with those freedom. Spartans realized that regardless of gender all Spartan people had an obligation to serve the militaristic end of Sparta.(Gaughan) This essay mostly focuses on how Athens and Sparta differently and similarly treated their women to the following questions: How were Athenian and Spartan women educated? How did they get married? Could they women divorce their husband? What did they do when they become a mother? How did Athenians and Spartans judge their women? How sociable were Athenian and Spartan women? Did they have right to own property? How did they receive citizenship? What are the similarities between both of them? Athens was a powerful capital and the largest Greece city state. It was a heart of economic, political, financial and culture life in Greece. Athens represented freedom, art, and democracy. Athens was given its name from Athena goddess who is the goddess of wisdom and knowledge and won the competition with the sea god  Poseidon. Furthermore, the government of Athens was limited democracy. And Athens economy mostly depended on trade. Sparta was a well known city state in Greece, and located on the banks of the River Eurotas in Laconia, in south-eastern Peloponnese. When Sparta invaded Dorians, and brought both the local and non-Dorian population under control, it appeared as a political entity around the 10th century BC. Later on, it became a strong and dominant military land-power in ancient Greece. It considered itself as the Greece protector, providing expert armies to Greece whenever needed. The political system of Spartan government was a monarchy ruled by two kings. Moreover, economic in Sparta mainly focused on agriculture rather than trade. How were Athenian and Spartan women educated? Athenian women werent expected to get education from school such as how to write and read. However, they were taught reading at home. They were also taught necessary household skills such as spinning, weaving, and sewing, cooking, cleaning and managing other domestic duties by their mothers, and even the slaves whom their families had. Furthermore, they got education about facts on mythology, religion and occasionally musical instruments. On the other hand, since the Spartans believed that if their women are educated and are able to protect themselves; Spartan women could also manage property of their husband while he was gone. As the result, most of Spartan women are literate. At the age of seven, Spartan women were both academically and physically educated. But they didnt receive any knowledge related to domestic work as Athenian women such as weaving, cooking, sewing, and others because these kinds of work were responsibilities of helots and slaves in Sparta. For academic education, they were taught to read, write, and protect themselves. They got cultural education including poetry, social and religious customs, choral recitation, dance and music. In addition, music was a main section in religious festival. Spartan women, therefore, learned to sing and perform dance. For physical education, Spartan women were trained in athlete competitions such as running, wrestling, and javelin throwing. Moreover, they were well known  with their great knowledge in not only breeding and training but also riding horseback and driving small horse-driven carts. How did they get married? Since birth, Athenian girls were highly protected and kept at home. Athenian fathers arranged and married of their young teenage daughter at early age, normally at the age of thirteen or fourteen; to men who were 30 years old and sometimes from prominent families in Athens society. The brides father celebrated a marriage ceremony call gamos, which the aim is to show that the bride was passed to the groom. Athenian bride couldnt meet her groom until the contracts had already been approved. The process of marriage was quite very long and complicated. After the marriage Athenian women were supposed to join or move to live in their husbands family though they werent considered as full member of the new family until they birthed the first child. Unlike Athenian women, Spartan women had non-ceremonial for their marriages. Commonly, they got married at the age of eighteen years old. A Spartan woman was assigned to married a man who came and abducted her at mid night from her family. After that, she shaved her head and wear mans clothes. Then she was able to meet her husband, mostly for children purpose. After marriages, husband and wife lived separately. If husband joined war for too long time, Spartan woman could find a new husband. Could they women divorce their husband? Women in Athens couldnt divorce their husband without providing any reasonable evidences to public official and agreement from their husband. Though they successfully divorced, they would lose all rights to their children. Oppositely, Spartan women could divorce their husband without losing any wealth, properties, and even rights to children. What did they do when they become a mother? Athenian women were supposed to give healthy son who would be strong soldier. Thus they werent allowed to take parts in sport, competition, and military. On the other hand, being a healthy mother producing strong and brave son to serve in Spartan armies was a primary purpose for Spartan women since Spartan was known as strong militaristic city state of Greek. Thus, Spartan women involved in  military training, did exercises, and join athletic competition to make their bodies fit, strong and healthy. How did Athenians and Spartans judge their women? Athenian women were strongly determined on their artificial beauty rather than natural beauty. They liked wearing valuable and elaborate jewelry and nice clothes for being attractive and other purposes. On the contrary, Spartan women were well known for their natural beauty. Consequently, they were forbidden to wear or use any kinds of cosmetics or makeup, especially jewelry, which was a serious avoidance for them. How sociable were Athenian and Spartan women? Athenian women had very less freedom. They had a secluded life since they were forced to stay at home most of the time. They would lose their status if they failed to do so. Since Athenian women were educated, they couldnt have carriers or hold office in society such as prostitute, market seller, flute players, dancers, nurses, and mid wives. Only freewomen of poorer classes could do trade in market places, and went outdoor much more than wealthy women. More than this, women from rich family were physically protected by their slaves or male relatives, and they had to maintain and protect their reputation by not talk closely with men. Though Athens was a democracy, Athenian women still couldnt join public activities such as voting or taking part in state operation. They could neither watch nor participate in the Olympic Games, military training, and even athletic competitions. But, they could leave the houses to join religious festival. Spartan women, on the other hand, lived freely and left the house whenever wanted. They were strongly given confidence to speak in public. They could join group discussion in public. They could involve in military and also politics. Did they have right to own property? Spartan women were allowed to own wealth and property. After married, women in Sparta could own both her husbands land and hers, but her land couldnt become her husband land. Aristotle stated that, by the fifth century B.C., Spartan women owned two-fifths of the land. Spartan women had authority to control, manage and, abandon the land they owned whenever they wished. They could legally  pass their land to sons and daughters. In addition, they could also get income earned form their land. Even thought Athenian women could own jewelry, clothes, inexpensive things, they couldnt get the kind of ownership as Sparta such as owning land, luxuries, or any things that put into contract. In short, they didnt have financial independence. How did they receive citizenship? In idea of Athenian men, women were less necessary. Thus, Athenian women werent offered Athenian citizenship. Unlike women in Athens, women in Sparta were considered as Spartiates and also citizens of Sparta thought they couldnt join public assembly. Receiving citizenship in Sparta, one had to withdraw profit from owning land to pay for government. As what mentioned above, Spartan women could own land, so they could be awarded the Spartan citizenship. What are the similarities between both of them? According to what shown above, the life of Athenian and Spartan women are different from each other. However, they still had several commons. Both of them were required to get married. And the marriages were arranged by fathers. More than this, the two were expected to give strong and healthy sons. The two had to bear their children. They couldnt join assembly. They could own property. In short, women status in Sparta and Athens are quite different from each other. As we see, while Spartan women were educated to write, read, and know about cultural knowledge, Athenian women were taught managing household duties. For marriage, Athenian women were expected to get married in early age, and the process of getting married seemed be complicated. But in Sparta, women got married unless they were eighteen years old. Moreover, Athenian women were judged on artificial beauty, but Spartan woman were judged on natural beauty. And Spartan women were very active in the public. Contrast of Spartan women, Athenian women stayed at home most of the time. Last but not least, Athenian women didnt have valuable property ownership as Spartan women. Comparing ancient Athenian women to women nowadays, there are both similarities and differences. For similarities, both of them were pressed to produce  children and take care them, looked after home, and increased their beauty and attractiveness by wearing additional jewelry and beautiful clothes. One more similarity is that marriage is an important thing for their lives. Though they are similar, they are still different from each other. In contrast to ancient Athenian women, present women can go to work and do their own careers. They are sociable; they can go wherever they want, do whatever they prefer, and talk with whomever they like. Moreover, the marriages of modern women are mostly not arranged or chosen by their parents. Another difference is that women nowadays can involve or have status in politics and government. They also have right to education, and to own property as men have. However, most of what modern women can do is the same as what ancient Spartan could do. Consequently, we can assume that modern women and ancient Spartan women share many similarities. In my own view, if I had been born in ancient Greek, I would have preferred to be a woman of Sparta.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Advantages of Supply chain management

Advantages of Supply chain management Explain the advantages and disadvantages of implementing a Supply Chain Management (SCM) system. The advantages and disadvantages of Nike implementing a supply chain management system include cost of buying and handling inventory, processing orders, and information systems support. Advantages of implementing a (SCM) by Nike By implementing the process of supply chain management, Nike will be able to set up networks and facilities that transforms raw material into products that will be delivered to customers. This will give Nike a huge advantage over their competitors by helping them use information more efficiently along the entire chain which can result in significant cost savings, it also helps regulate the movement of inventory coming in and going out of the organization, orders will be process much faster than formal times, and predictable delivery with updated information system. The networks in each level must handshake or interact to help connect suppliers to the Manufacturer, to the retailer then the finished product is delivery to the customer in just-in-time (JIT). Implementing supply chain management will enable Nike to be more effective and efficiency also transportation costs will be reduced, cost of inventories will be fair and inexpensive, increase number of capable suppliers, it maximizes the means of transmitting messages and information effectively within the organization and it will help Nike adapt to technology changes more quickly than before. SCM will also help Nike gain the buy-in of all key markets, increase supply chain speed and the bullwhip effect. Disadvantages Implementing Supply chains management in Nike had proven to be very difficult in the past, this is due to the problem cause by the I2 software which required significant customization to make compatible with Nikes legacy systems. Other downfalls of implementing supply chain management system is that it can become highly complex and dynamic in the short-run, switching cost are relatively high, increasing uncertainty, high competitive pressure urges, increase implementation costs. Developing a planning system that effectively coordinates information technology and people is a considerable challenge, changing market conditions, negotiating terms and conditions required huge amount of risk and forecasting. Describe the options for acquiring a SCM system with the advantages and disadvantages of each option. The first option for acquiring a SCM system is implementing an ERP Enterprise Recourse Planning System using the SAP software; ERP system can facilitate SCM Needed production planning and purchasing systems already in place. ERP integrates sales, order, inventory, manufacturer, and customer service activities. One advantage is that it allows sharing production plans along the supply chain to occur in real time and helps them determine whether to buy regionally, establish a collaborative team or appoint a global lead buyer. Other advantages of ERP include efficient business processes, inventory reduction, lead-time reduction, improved customer service, improved decision making, real-time insight into organization and higher profitability. The disadvantages are the combination of the people, procedure, hardware, software and data in the organization or problem in the operational, managerial, and strategic level of the organization. Inadequate or inconsistent data, mistakes in customer ID numbers, and bad customer service. The second option is implementing a Customer Relationship Management Systems. CRM supports the business process of attracting, selling, managing, delivering, and supporting customers. CRM addresses all activities and events related to customers in a single repository data about all customer interaction. CRM also stores all customer data in one place and make it possible to access all data about the customer. CRM will allow Nike to be more flexible, productive and efficient in handling customers private information. Flexibility ensures them to recognize manufacturing issues, to response to design changes requested by the marketplace. Nike will also be able to response to unexpected or uncertainty the company has and will provides the means to adjust to the consequences of inevitable risks, and reduce total costs. However, flexibility is costly, uncertain environments companies with highly flexible supply chains perform better than companies with less flexible supply chains while in ce rtain environments the opposite holds. The disadvantages or implementing CRM include system overload, turnover, inconsistence data, people and hardware and software. Outline the raw material inventory purchasing process from the identification of the need for an item to the supplier payment. To optimizing and regain control over control over production planning Nike must utilize the approach of raw material inventory purchasing process to help increase efficiency, increase lead times and to help increase the rate in which product is being delivered to the customer. When a customer demands for a product or item, the primary retailers sends an order for the product to the major raw material supplier which sends the raw material needed for the production of the product to the manufacturer, then the manufacturer outs all the components of the product together and sends it the distributor. The distributor in turn purchase the require items from the manufacturers, and then distributes the products to the retailer which then delivers the product to the end consumer. From the distributor point all the way back up the supply chain to the raw material suppliers there is no further injection of cash. The money you spend on the product or equipment is passed back up to the supply ch ain as payments for gods or raw material. Customer is the only source of revenue. By reducing numbers of suppliers and increasing efficiencies in the entire distribution chain, manufacturers are able to reduce raw materials inventory. Bennett,R..(2009). Trade Usage and Disclaiming Consequential Damages: The Implications for Just-in-Time Purchasing.American Business Law Journal,46(1),179. Retrieved April 21, 2010, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID:1665640451). Describe the potential pitfalls that may be encountered in implementing a SCM system. Along with the great advantages that come with switching to a supply chain management system there are some potential pitfalls that can cause money loss or confusion within the system. The system will be set up with a great deal of rigidity but must also leave room for some exceptions because things do not always run as smooth as they were planned out. The supply chain may not have the same information systems so incorporating the different systems and getting them to work together without confusion may be a hard thing to set up and cause orders to be messed up. The companies within the supply chain may also have different goals which could cause the companies ideals to clash causing different tasks to be taken with more urgency then others. The delivery dates may also not match from the supplier to the retailers causing wrong delivery dates being told to the customer. Customer service expectations may be different from company to company along the chain as well, causing different go als in quality and customer support for the product. Some companies will not have a sufficient information system to receive the information and relay back, which can cause more confusion in the system. Making sure that everyone along the way in the system is trained well enough to deal with any problems that may arise is a big help. Assuming a SCM system is purchased and customized; explain the major tasks that need to be completed in order to implement this system. The tasks should be presented in chronological order. If Nike were to introduce the SCM system they would need to start out with setting up a strategy that the companies can agree with to keep the system working smooth. Getting all the companies on the same page is the crucial first step to setting up a SCM system and will help the companies work together easily. Configuring the system to work with all the companies is the next step, getting compatible information systems or a way to enter the information into each information system is a key in keeping the companies joined in the system. Making sure the constraints of the systems and requirements are right for the use each company needs them for. Figuring out the locations for all the pieces of the system is the next step making sure they will work together to benefit the company and not cause more costs to the companies. Planning the source of resources and the resource requirements to set up and make the system functional is the next step in the process of setting up. Also making sur e that sufficient man power to make the system work properly is in place is very important to having a strong SCM system. Setting up the supply chain controls is the next step, and this consists of deciding which information to keep a watch on and the measurements needed to control the system. The performance of the system needs to be maintained and watched over so these evaluations of the system are important to keeping the system beneficial. The last step would be developing the internal and external relationships, keeping them working together. Identifying the systems needed to keep the information passed to each company is very important so the information doesnt get misinterpreted and orders get messed up. The key to smooth running SCM is communication between the different sectors of the system, if they all receive the right info and can reply back easily then everyone is kept up to date on the time periods. References He,Y.,andJ.Zhang.Random yield supply chain with a yield dependent secondary market.European Journal of Operational Research 206.1(2010):221.ABI/INFORM Global,ProQuest. Web. 21 Apr. 2010. Frisk,M.,M.GÃ ¶the-Lundgren,K.JÃ ¶rnsten,andM.RÃ ¶nnqvist.Cost allocation in collaborative forest transportation.European Journal of Operational Research 205.2(2010):448.ABI/INFORM Global,ProQuest. Web. 22 Apr. 2010 Su,Y.,andC.Yang.Why are enterprise resource planning systems indispensable to supply chain management?European Journal of Operational Research 203.1(2010):81.ABI/INFORM Global,ProQuest. Web. 22 Apr. 2010. Suresh Subramoniam,Mohamed Tounsi,andK V Krishnankutty.The role of BPR in the implementation of ERP systems.Business Process Management Journal 15.5(2009):653.ABI/INFORM Global,ProQuest. Web. 14 Apr. 2010. Bennett,R..(2009). Trade Usage and Disclaiming Consequential Damages: The Implications for Just-in-Time Purchasing.American Business Law Journal,46(1),179. Retrieved April 21, 2010, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID:1665640451).

Development Of The Carol Essay -- essays research papers

The seasonal songs popular in western music, especially in conjunction with the Christmas season, known as carols, have a rich and complex history full of tradition and controversy in the realms of both sacred and secular music. The concept of singing carols to celebrate holidays developed during the 13th century in France, although what was to be known as carol music had been around from centuries earlier. It is believed that when troubadour Saint Francis of Assisi had made the first Greccio crib, he began to sing songs honoring the Nativity and the joy of celebration in religion, for this was a strict Puritanical era wherein communal singing, drama, and any type of festivity was looked down upon in the first place, and absolutely abhorred in religion. The concept of singing these carols gained popularity throughout Europe towards the end of Puritan reign and the growth of the Mystery Play throughout the 14th and 15th centuries. The Mystery Plays were dramatic pieces celebrating the birth of Christ. The basic plainsong and antiphon of the time were lacking the drama required by these performances, and soon religious songs for these performances were being written in the vernacular for these plays. The still popular English "Coventry Carol" dates back to this period. By the end of the 15th century, carols had begun to stand on their own as anonymous pieces of music, and were dung on almost all religious feast days, including Christmas, Easter, and throughout the Spring in celebration of the peoples emancipation from Puritanism. As mentioned earlier, the music that these early carols were based on dates back to the 9th and 10th centuries Medieval period, where it was used as dance music. The word carol itself is derived form the Latin "choraula," which was a monophonic ring dance accompanied by singing during the Medieval era. The form of the early carols followed the binary structure of these dances. It consisted of the stanza, which was basically a verse, and was used as a resting point for the dancers, and the burden, which was a theme repeated at the beginning and ending of each piece as well as between each stanza. It expressed a sort of summary of the music, and was the time for the dancers to really swing. Anothe... ...the 19th century, the better carol music had been weeded out form the worse, and it began to be collected in a more systematic fashion. Countries throughout Europe began to amass their old carol folk songs into collections of national music. An innumerable number of old carol tunes that were hidden in the memory of old country folk were rediscovered and published for the first time. Today Christmas remains the most popular season to celebrate with carols. America has birthed her own collection of Christmas carols, although one will find these more modern 20th century carols to have much less of a connection with religion, if any at all, than the older European carols. A wide variety of carols form various geographic areas and eras continue to be sung by choirs and vocal ensembles, in churches, and for various forms of entertainment. There have even been instrumental arrangements and contemporary renditions of many of the older carols. Although in many ways the carol has been modernized, especially in the American culture, the beautiful simplicity and antiquity of the music, as well as the remarkable history and tradition they imply, cannot be ignored.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Bubonic Plague: A Snapshot of Recovery; A Comparison of Tuscany An

On October 21st 1629, near the border of Switzerland, the Florentine Observer in Milan wrote to Florence reporting that a captain of Lecco arrived in great haste to inform â€Å"virulent plague had been ascertained†. In the absence of knowledge concerning the plague, or any way to prevent it, they placed all affairs pertaining to public health in the hands of guards who would naturally be the first line of defense. However, after laborious trial and error, Florence and Tuscany experienced deaths of enormous proportion. In the 17th century the Italian economy entered a long recession. Trade and industry declined, Italian agriculture stagnated, and poverty and banditry increased. Meanwhile Italy was struck by plague. One of the most advanced parts of Italy had fallen from grace. Interestingly, this situation is rather similar to the American recession in 2008. In both, governmental leaders in aftermath-implemented solutions, which helped improve their citizen’s quali ty of life, while enhancing the relationship between an individual and the appropriation of goods. The Emblem Of Public Health—An Unraveled Fabric Along with sudden outbreak, it was widely agreed that the incidence of plague was much greater among the lower classes than that of the upper. Concomitant with any overcrowded or unsanitary conditions, this is logical for despite nobilities â€Å"more delicate and tender† characteristics, they were free to flee and able to afford remedies unable to the common man. With little known about vaccinations, the establishment of a sanitary â€Å"cordons† was the first â€Å"preventative measure people could resort to besides prayers and processions†. In spite of the limited remains of a once fruitful population, the government tried to r... ...Giulia. Histories of a plague year: the social and the imaginary in baroque Florence. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989. Print. Cipolla, Carlo M.. Before the Industrial Revolution: European society and economy, 1000-1700. New York: Norton, 1976. Print. Cipolla, Carlo M.. Cristofano and the plague; a study in the history of public health in the age of Galileo. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1973. Print. Fletcher, Robert. A tragedy of the great plague of Milan in 1630. Italy: The Lord Baltimore Press, 1898. Print. Kleiner, Fred S., and Helen Gardner. Gardner's art through the ages: a global history. 13th ed. Boston, MA: Thomson/Wadsworth, 2009. Print. Labarge, Margaret Wade. A baronial household of the thirteenth century. Brighton: Harvester, 1980. Print. Pollitzer, R.. Plague. Geneva: World Health Organization, 1954. Print.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Emerging Nokia Essay

1. What strategy would you recommend for Nokia going forward? Please develop a complete strategy that addresses the following issues: Choice of scope: does it make sense for Nokia to be in both emerging and developed markets, or should they choose not to play in certain markets? How integrated should it be into manufacturing, services (apps), software development, sales, etc? Answer1: Choice of scope: With dwindling sales in developed countries like USA, UK, Germany, Russia and Italy and even in emerging markets like India, Indonesia and Brazil (as per Exhibit 1) despite previously having a stronghold, Nokia now had to decide if it should continue its focus on emerging markets or attempt to salvage the sales even in the developed markets. Status in developed markets: 1. The operators usually have more power but this was changing since the emergence of iPhone. It is a replacement market with users looking for up gradation 2. Competition- Growing competition from companies like Motorola, Samsung, LG and Sony Ericsson. The RIM‘s launch of Blackberry(2002) and Apple’s iPhone (2007) was a further set back 3. New Operating System- Emergence of new user friendly operating systems such as Google‘s Android and Microsoft’s Windows mobile further put Nokia on the back foot 4. Inability to understand demand- Nokia failed to identify the growing consumer need for touch screen phones 5. Target – Nokia operated at all price points where as competitors like Apple (high-end segment) and Samsung( mid and high end segment) had a clearly drawn up strategy Slowdown in some emerging markets: 1. Reverse bundling allows the manufacturer to wield more power than the operator 2. There is lower cost of production which helps produce inspirational products at low rates 3. The growing competition from companies like Samsung that were offering the latest technology at competitive prices 4. Therefore, Nokia lost out on the middle and high segment but continued to grow in the low-end mobile segment as it had identified the gaps in emerging markets and customized services to suit the local consumers Nokia must recognize the difference in the different market  segments and take the challenges head on to be able to operate in both markets. It must clearly identify the segments it wants to operate in and also change its positioning based on the data below. Data from Exhibit 11: Percentage of phone sales by segment Emerging Markets Developed Countries Mid East AP w/o Japan Latin America E. Europe Japan W. Europe North America Basic 41% 43% 20% 34% 0% 4% 8% Enhanced 40% 44% 58% 45% 32% 29% 43% Smart Phones- E. level 10% 7% 12% 10% 6% 34% 8% Smart phone- Feature 10% 6% 9% 11% 62% 33% 41% Penetration 58% 45.50% 80.30% 127.50% 86.60% 122.90% 84.90% Nokia Market Share 61.40% 42.30% 32.80% 48% 0.30% 39.40% 7.20% In emerging markets, Nokia must focus on Basic and Enhanced phones, as that is the largest segment as the market is still evolving and low cost handsets coupled with customized services will help further grow its footprint. In developed countries, Nokia should look at development of high end- high technology driven models in the Smart Phones Entry Level and Feature segment. At the same time when it comes to Japan, Nokia should look to  divest as it is largely smartphone driven market and Nokia has very little market share and does not have the requisite technology to successfully compete in that segment yet. It is essential for Nokia to follow the innovations in developed countries especially USA and adapt them to developing markets if it wants to stand up against competition in both the markets. Mobile phone industry has followed the International Product Life Cycle but now they have reached a stage where different approach is required for innovation to take place in developed and developing markets to meet their specific needs. Another key thing that Nokia must do is to reconsider its Transnational Strategy and adopt a Multi-Domestic Strategy to be able to cater to the distinctive needs of both the developed and emerging markets and to be more locally responsive. Level of Integration: Manufacturing- It should continue to be highly integrated as that is its core competency and contributed to operating profits with a CAGR of 13%. It helps in cost control especially in price-sensitive emerging markets. Operating System- Low integration. The future of Symbian isn’t very bright as competitors like Android of Google and Apple already have a lot of applications to offer on their OS. hence, it must look to finding a partner for a better OS as has been shown by its adoption of windows OS. Service (Apps) – Low integration. This can also be outsourced since it is not a core competency of Nokia and customer Value given to third party applications is on the rise (as per Exhibit 6) Sales and Distribution- Should be highly integrated as it has already developed a vast distribution and achieved great penetration in emerging markets which has been a source of higher margins by direct selling to consumers and is also a core competency. 2. What products should it offer – smart phones, low end phones, etc? Source of advantage: what will be the distinctive competitive advantage that Nokia will offer? Choice of activities: what choices should Nokia make in all its key activities, and where will it locate those activities – for eg., HR policies, manufacturing, R&D, software development, sales and marketing, etc. What is the justification for your strategy recommendation? Answer2: Addressing the consumer needs should be the strategy for Nokia in both emerging and developed market. In the emerging markets where Nokia is already a leader, it should focus on catering to the growing bottom of the pyramid consumer. The biggest advantage that Nokia offers is its reach. It should focus on its complimentary telecom industry trend, specifically in India, telecom players are involved into price war and which gave customer a higher bargaining power to switch. In such case coming up with dual sim phone would cater to the primary need of market. The applications in the phone should be in sync with local leisure such as music, newspaper and such more. Instead charging user for Life tools, revenue generation should be from advertisers. Provide time bound high end test features in low end phone during successive OS updates; this will generate user awareness and need for high end smart phone. On the other hand, in developed markets, Nokia has lost its share to other players. Customer demands smartphones with high quality user interface experience and applications and data security (RIM’s competency), Nokia need to target it. Nokia’s target should be the esteem need of user. Developing an OVI ecosystem with third party app developers, advertisers through more free and few paid applications for users. This will give Nokia a distinct advantage in the market if acted as 1st mover. More investment and development for user data security will generate trust among the users. In the mobile phone industry, the product life cycle is very short. Every year a new product is available on the shelf. Hence responsiveness to the consumer’s need is a must. Nokia failed to do that this with the clamshell model in China. By the time it came out with the product, the trend for clamshell models had faded and Nokia lost out to competition. Key advantages of Nokia a. 3 distinct operating system platforms that can offer the base for wide range of products catering to all user segments. b. Longest and complex supply chain in the world. It has the most efficient sourcing, logistics, manufacturing, and distribution of any company in the world. c. Nokia offers the OVI Store: the second largest app store in the world which is growing 70% per month as per Tero Ojanpera, Nokia’s EVP for the Services. d. With the acquisition of Navteq Corporation, it has a strong presence in the GPS  world and provides a wide range of geographic image support covering almost more than 180+ countries. e. In India. Nokia has a strong hold of rural market with their distribution system handles by HCL Info systems. In Latin America, it has a dedicated team to manage the relationship with America Movil and Telefonica and to co-ordinate sales and services across the region. Choice of activities a. HR policies should be locally controlled by subsidiaries to keep local culture intact. b. Manufacturing should be done on a global scale to utilize cost and resource arbitrage. Core product R&D should be centralized with satellite R&D in each market to add local flavor to the product. c. Software development centers have to be installed in countries like India or Philippines to utilize local talent and expertise in software development. d. Sales and marketing should be again localized. Country specific distribution channel should be adopted.