Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Dog

The Dog Excellent report on the different biological aspects of Dogs Great JobTHE DOGDomestic dog, carnivorous mammal, generally considered the first domesticated animal. The domesticated dog has coexisted with human beings as a working partner and household pet in all eras and cultures since the days of the cave dwellers. It is generally believed that the direct ancestor of the domestic dog is the wolf, originally found throughout Europe, Asia, and North America. Remains of a dog, estimated to be 10,500 years old, have been found in Idaho.TAXONOMYKingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: MammaliaOrder: CarnivoraFamily: CanidaeGenus: CanisSpecies: Canis familiarisECOLOGY HABITATLittle is known about wild dogs of the past but that they are carnivores: hunters and scavengers. This means that they are secondary consumers in web chains. Eventhough they are carnivores they sometimes accept eating green plants. The ecology of dogs right know is that it helps the human in many fields of life.Types o f muscle (shown at different magnifications...Since the cave dweller times, dogs have been domesticated by humans and it has helped him to hunt, in herding, protection, etc. It has been very important as a work animal and as a psychological support for humans. The habitat of the dog is where it's owner lives. Different dogs have different adaptations to their ancestral habitat but nowadays, this is not applicable.ANATOMYSKELETONThe skeleton of the dog is the articulated structure, moved by the muscles, that holds the dog's body and protects some organs and the nervous system. It also functions as mineral and blood deposit of the body. The skeleton of a dog is made up of approximately 321 bones: 134 form the axial skeleton (skull, vertebrae, ribs, etc.), and 186 form the appendicular skeleton (appendages). An extra bone has to be added for...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

55 Easy Ways To Write Headlines That Will Reach Your Readers

55 Easy Ways To Write Headlines That Will Reach Your Readers According to Copyblogger, 8 out of 10 people will read a headline. However,  only two  out of 10 tend to proceed to read the rest of your content. Yikes, right? This is really  important to understand  before you publish  your content. Even if your content is  truly unique and innovative, a weak headline will ruin its chances of being super successful. Fortunately, data and analytics can  help you  write great headlines that will instantly capture the attention of your readers. Heres your  ultimate guide to write  a great headline, backed by research. 55 Easy Ways To Write A #Headline That Will Get The Best Results Understanding How To Write Headlines Well 1. Write At Least 25 Headlines For Every  Piece Of Content Your headline  makes your first impression with readers. A strong headline can drive more clicks. A weak one can send traffic away. That's why it's important to spend time getting them right. Upworthy's well-publicized process suggests writing 25 headlines per blog post.  That might sound like a lot. However, if anything, you could consider this the bare minimum. Some will be better than others. Some, in fact, will be downright terrible. That's okay though. You have to burn through bad ideas before you can find what works. 2. Use The Headline Analyzer It's not enough to guess at what a good headline looks like, though. You need a data-backed way to sort winners from losers. This is where the Headline Analyzer comes in: 1. Type in a few different headline options. 2. The Headline Analyzer will list them for easy comparison purposes. 3. Scroll down to find your Score and Word Balance. The  Headline Analyzer is also built right into your  social media calendar in to help you write the best headlines right where you  organize everything else. Recommended Reading:  25 Scientifically Proven Ways To Write Better Headlines For Your Blog 3. Focus Your Headlines On Helping Instead Of Telling Have a look at the most popular Google searches- they're mostly about solving a problem in the easiest and fastest way. This Mashable post entitled, "How to Pay, Exercise and Take Photos Using Apple Watch", gained more than 1,500 shares- mainly because it addresses an issue owners of this cutting-edge device find relevant to their experience. Pro Tip: "How to" headlines get you instant bonus points with 's Headline Analyzer. 4. Suggest The Best Way To Do Something Successful headlines connect  with common searches and address a real target audience looking for the most effective strategies for solving their problem. Content  starting with "The best way to..." has the potential to go viral super quickly. Look at this article  from Entrepreneur entitled, "The Best Ways to Do Market Research for Your Business Plan"- it was shared more than 6,000 times! Pro Tip: Headlines with "best" and "better" also score higher with 's Headline Analyzer. 5. Give Advice For Improvement Instead of persuading your readers  to do something, show them why it's worth the time to do it.  Addressing the reasons and motivations of your readers  serves as the  basis for a really powerful message. Consider this extremely popular post  entitled, "Why You Should Forget Facebook". The headline promises to resolve the cognitive dissonance it creates. After all, why should anyone want to ignore the largest social network? A headline like this one practically guarantees traffic. 6. Provide Solid Evidence To Support A  Claim There's nothing more powerful than the "Backed By Science" claim. Insights derived from research are considered more accurate, relevant, and attractive. Have a look at this post from Inc.com on "10 Productivity Strategies Backed By Science". It has  more than 1,100 shares- primarily because readers consider scientific findings credible. Headlines Backed By Science Get The Best Results7. Share Your Experience "What I learned" is another great headline strategy. Speaking to your readers  from experience, you'll not only gain their trust, but also promise a solution that really works. A striking example of this kind of content  is "What I Learned from Being a Broke, Unemployed Graduate"  published on Entrepreneur. That article's  19,000+ shares speak for themselves. 8. Avoid Clickbait The era of clickbait supremacy is over. Audiences have caught on. If your headline over-promises and under-delivers (which clickbait does 100% of the time), readers will leave disappointed. 9. Ensure Your Headline Aligns With Your  Content Your headline should accurately reflect the angle of your content. Ask yourself these two questions: What's the point of this content? What  is the most important point this content  makes? If your headline doesn't address each of these points, it's time to start over. 10. Include Numbers In List Headlines Writing a list? Include how many items it includes right away. This gives readers a clear idea of what to expect. 11. Experiment With Open- And Closed-Ended Questions Open-ended questions  are great for encouraging discussion (e.g. When Are The Absolute Best Times To Send Email?). Closed-ended questions, meanwhile, are effective for inspiring curiosity (e.g. Do You Send Email At The Absolute Best Times?). Test each to see what performs best for you. 12. Hint At Something Interesting Leave out just enough detail to get readers interested (without falling into the clickbait trap). For example, something like, "This New Car Door Design Is Changing The Game", might get an audience interested in knowing exactly how that hypothetical car door design works. 13. State A  Problem (And Offer A  Solution) It can be tough to stoke a problem and offer a solution in one headline. However, when done well, this technique can offer a solid emotional one-two punch. Here's a great example from Fast Company: It introduces a problem (one that readers might not even recognize as a problem). It then promises to show what the solution might be. 14. Include A  Stat People love to see numbers in headlines. This is especially true when they seem difficult to believe. If you have a powerful stat in your content  (like in this example), put it in your headline. 15. Know Your Audience Make sure you know who your real audience is, and understand what their interests are. You can do this with a little bit of research in Google Analytics. 16. Speak Like Your Audience, Too Use words and language your audience uses. That includes the same types of jargon and technical terminology. You can get a sense of how your audience talks and what words they use simply by participating in social media conversations with them. 17. Be Relevant And Topical The best written headline is useless if your audience doesn't care. Craft headline copy that targets relevant topics and discussions happening in your industry or niche. Likewise, avoid straying onto topics outside of your scope. 18. Aim For Headline Analyzer Scores Of 70 Or Higher Anything lower needs improvement. Holding yourself to this standard will ensure you write more effective headlines. Understand How Emotions Impact Headlines This  study  from  Moz shows that readers  like content  that is  either understated and features up to one superlative word or goes overboard with superlatives to  show why the content is worth reading. What does it mean for you? If you want your content  to go viral, your headline must be located at one of those two extremes; otherwise it won't catch anyone's attention. Here are some words invoking both positive and negative sentiments: 19. Understand What Word Balance Means The Headline Analyzer breaks down words into four categories. Common:  These are words frequently used in English. They're recognizable and easy to read terms. Uncommon:  These phrases are used less frequently in common English. They're effective for creating intrigue. Emotional:  Hit your readers right in the feels. Literally. These words drive action by targeting desired emotions. Power:  These words inspire feelings of motivation and empowerment. For examples of each category, download the Headline Analyzer tear sheet included in this post. 20. Use Positive Superlatives For A  Strong, Emotional Headline Positive superlatives that will help you in headline writing are as follows: best, always, fastest, easiest, most, greatest, largest, funniest, hottest, strongest, biggest, ever, perfect, top. 21. Try Negative Superlatives To Draw On Fear And Doubt A study by Outbrain showed that headlines featuring negative superlatives performed 30% better than those with positive superlatives. What are negative superlatives? Never, worst, nothing, no one, no way, by no means, none. Featuring words like stop, avoid, or don't in your headline is a good idea, too. Pro Tip: Use the Headline Analyzer to understand whether your headline's sentiment is positive or negative. Neutral headlines tend to perform worse than extremely positive or negative headlines. 22. Front-Load Your Headline Structure Make sure that your superlative- whether it's positive or negative- is always at the front of your headline. "7 Worst Mistakes Of Young Startups" sounds much better than "7 Mistakes Made by Young Startups That Are Worst". 23. Going Extreme Can Be Worth It This study from Startup Moon showed that using aggressive or violent words like kill, fear, and  dead actually generates more social shares.  If these expressions fit your context and aren't offensive to anyone, use them to draw even more emotion from your readers. Recommended Reading:  Proof That Emotional Headlines Get Shared More On Social Media 24. Be Careful With Humor Like avoiding ambiguity, avoid puns or jokes. Your headline must be understandable outside of its context. 25. Invoke Urgency Is your content  time-sensitive? Use words that inspire urgency. For example,  say you're writing about an upcoming event with a registration deadline. Something like, "Register For Our Webinar Before Time Runs Out", lets readers know they're on the clock. 26. Make The Unbelievable A  Reality If your content  includes something strange but true, use that to your advantage. For example, an article about  55 kids playing soccer against two pro soccer stars  deserves a hyped up headline. If your content  is good enough, your headline will sell the story without resorting to cheap clickbait tactics. Understand Ideal Headline Lengths A  Kissmetrics study shows that readers tend to absorb only the first three words and the last three words of a headline. Keeping a headline no longer than six words will help readers  easily process it and reduce the interaction cost involved in grasping its meaning. If you can't limit your headline to six words, bear in mind that it's the first and last words that count most. Use this knowledge to your advantage by including attractive keywords in these places. Here's what to  remember when writing your headline: 27. Understand The Media Types Where You'll Use Your Headline The length of your headline depends on what you want to do with it- different lengths work for different media like emails, social networks, search engines, and language engagement. 28. Avoid Ambiguity And Get To The Point If you want to follow the traditional strategy, write headlines that are information and keyword-rich, match the expectations of your target audience, and are understandable even when taken out of context. This also means keeping them relatively brief (if possible). Use keywords at the beginning of headlines, then get to the point with as few words as possible.29. Know The Best Length For Your Language If you want your headline to perform well, consider the following for English: It should be between 60–100 characters and 16–18 words long. Remember that every language has its own rules- only testing can unveil what really works. Recommended Reading:  What Really Is The Best Headline Length? How Do Your Headlines Appear? Moz also surveyed their respondents about their headline capitalization preferences. And guess what? Apparently, 21% of them admitted that they liked to be shouted at with headlines written in capital lettering. If you want to go for a safer approach, just capitalize your words in title case- 64% of respondents reported to like this. 30. Choose A  Strong Typeface Choose a font that has a strong visual impact and a personality but also fits the body text. Here's a guide from CrazyEgg to help you find the right font. 31. Size Your Headlines To Stand Out Make your headline visibly larger than body text. Its size can make it really eye-catching, even when pushed to extreme. According to a study by Smashing Magazine, most of the best blogs' most popular headline sizes range from 20–36 pixels, or about 2.5 times larger than your body copy. 32. Use Color To Grab Attention 67% of people say black is the best choice  to help them comprehend the content, but other tints can add some contrast and visual interest. 67% of your readers say black headlines help them easily comprehend your message.That study covered by  Cutting Edge PR found 17% of people like bright colored headlines and another 52% say dark colored headlines make for good comprehension. 33. Align Your Headlines For The Biggest Impact Centered headlines are most powerful visually, left-centered are more conservative and formal. Avoid justifying headline type- it can lead to bad lettering. Recommended Reading:  The Perfect Blog Post: Simpler Is Better Polish Your Headlines With Google Your headlines deserve to be found. Here's how to use Google to sharpen your headlines and ensure you optimize  them  for SEO. 34. Write For Search Engines To Help Your Readers Find Your Content Search engines will favor headlines that are shorter than 70 characters  (which is relevant if your title tag is the same as your headline). Make sure your headline includes your target keyword as well. 35. Find Words Your Readers Are Looking For With The Keyword Planner Use Google Keyword Planner to understand the  search terms your target audiences look for. Google's official support documentation explains how to use it. 36. Try Using A Suggested Search Term In Your Headline Just type the first words of your headline to see whether the auto-fill suggestions are similar to it. Ubersuggest is an easy, free tool that surfaces actual autocomplete data: 37. Look For Related Search Terms This list appears at the bottom of your search page and shows you what terms are  related to the one you typed. That feature helps people shake up  their searches to find relevant and related information. Recommended Reading:  An SEO Driven Approach To Content Marketing: The Complete Guide 38. Narrow Your Search Results Google Advanced Search will help you to narrow down your search results to see trends for a given region, language, and  time frame. Keep Your Headlines Crisp And Clear Readers prefer explicit headlines that clearly state what they're going to get from reading the content. Headlines featuring numbers- used extensively by a viral content platform, BuzzFeed- appeal to 34% of readers. List posts also get some of the most shares of any content type. With that in mind, here is how to write a headline with clarity: 39. Use "You" To Address Your Readers Address your  reader as you.  This simply grabs your readers' attention and helps them relate the headline to their personal experience. 40. Promise A  Solution To A  Problem Use that will, to, and so  in your headlines. This kind of headline already promises a certain value to be taken from reading the content. Think about how powerful these headlines sound: 41. Help Your Readers See A  Better Future For Themselves Think about this headline for a minute: "How To Do ___ That Will Help You  ___". That headline- and others like it- clearly states the purpose of the content  and boosts its accuracy in tackling one specific action or problem. 42. Keep It Simple Readers skim on the web, whether on social media, their email inboxes, or in search results. Use simple headlines with clear language to hook their attention fast. Overly complex headlines may get passed over if they're too difficult to read. 43. Simple Doesn't Have To Mean Generic (Don't Be Generic) Generic  headlines get buried and forgotten. If you wouldn't read an article based on a headline you wrote, scrap it and write more until you score a winner. Pro Tip: The Headline Analyzer will tell you when you write a generic headline. 44. Be Specific Narrowly focus on  the one topic your content  is about. Consider the main point and benefit of your post, and get granular by  telling your readers exactly what your content  contains. For example, "How To Write Headlines Better" is less specific than "30 Ways To Write More Emotional Headlines." 45. Avoid Passive Voice Use active instead of passive voice. Active is easier to understand when scanning for interesting headlines. For example,  turn a passive headline like "30 E-Books Written By Astronauts" headlines into "30 Astronauts Wrote 30 E-Books To Help You Become A Better Leader". Recommended Reading:  These Lazy Writing Mistakes May Be Turning Off Your Readers 46. Include Words That Reference Additional Content If your blog post includes an infographic, guide, template, or other downloadable content, reference it in your headline. This gives readers added incentive to click, and provides more detail about the content your blog post includes. Here's a recent example on our own blog: How To Build A Social Media Editorial Calendar The Easy Way (Free Template). Know Your Competition (And Beat Them) If you've ever wondered how much content is created daily, here's your answer: According to A Day in the Internet infographic by MBA Online, 2 million new blog posts, 294 billion emails, and  864,000 hours of videos are uploaded to the Internet  every single day. This means that you're competing against lots of content. Being aware of such a degree of competition should only help you to work harder on your headlines and make them stand out from the crowd. Here's how to make sure your headlines are better than those of your competition: 47. Differentiate Your Headlines From The Competition Research what your competitors are doing. Identify the expressions, keywords, and phrases your competitors use in their content. From there, you will understand how to make your headlines stand out. For example, review your competition quickly for the 46  previous points (skim through their headlines with this information in mind), then brainstorm how to write headlines that will trump theirs. Research competition's headlines, then brainstorm how to brand yours for industry recognition.48. Publish Headlines That Brand Your Content Make it easy for searchers to identify key differences between your content and the stuff  other people publish- otherwise you risk inducing a choice fatigue. If you feel like your headlines sound exactly what may publish on a competitor's  site, write  25 more headlines and choose one with the most unique angle. Imagine the possibilities if a reader could read your headline and know it's your content just by its tone. That's the goal you should aim for. 49. Try Headline Ideas You Haven't Experimented With Before Be creative! Don't be afraid of testing new content on your audience. Even if your headline doesn’t bring a lot of traffic, you may get new ideas on what might. Recommended Reading: 43 Data-Driven Headline Ideas From 1,000 Of The Most Popular Posts 50. Use Social Media For Simple A/B Testing Twitter makes quick and easy A/B testing easy. Simply try writing two different headlines, and use them as tweets to promote your content. Make sure each headline includes a different variable (for example, one could be negative, and the other positive). Then, see which performs best. Over time, you'll develop a clear picture of what clicks with your audience. 51. Contradict Common Wisdom Is there a commonly accepted "truth" you want to challenge? Write a headline that clearly contradicts it. Try something like, "Why {Insert Action} Doesn't Actually Help {Insert Benefit}". These types of headlines can generate a lot of attention (as long as you have data and evidence to support your counter-claim). Repurpose, Repurpose, Repurpose Great headlines deserve to be read. In fact, they deserve to be read more than once. These tips will teach  you how to repurpose them for maximum mileage. 52. Recycle Your Old Ideas With New Headlines And Angles Recycle your content. A  great evergreen piece of content can be easily recycled under a different headline based on thorough research meant to broaden the gap between you and your competition. 53. Consider Every Platform Where Your Headline May Appear It's likely your content  will be shared on social media. It'll probably be in your email newsletter, too. Try to write headlines that can easily be adjusted for multiple formats (such as social media posts and email subject lines). 54. Try Alternative Headlines For Social Media What works well for a blog post might not work as well on social media.  Consider writing alternative headlines to promote blog posts across various social channels. This can also be an easy way to test different types of messaging to see what resonates most with your audience. 55. Condense Headlines For Email Headlines that perform well in emails are usually around 50 characters long and feature the strongest words at their beginning. The Headline Analyzer can help with this. First, enter a headline. Then, scroll down to find the section pictured below: Recommended Reading: This Is The Way To Write Email Subject Lines That Get More Clicks Go Forth  And Write Better Headlines Now The data from this post  proves that headlines are crucial for getting your content read, increasing your social shares, and improving your brand. Headlines are  the first thing your readers  will see, and it's your job to convince them to click and read your content. Even if you only use one of the 55  tips from this post, you'll  be able to add a touch of uniqueness to every piece of content  you publish. Oh! And don't forget to download kit  to  help you write better headlines.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Credit Crunch and Shareholders' Value Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Credit Crunch and Shareholders' Value - Essay Example Banks start charging high interest rates for lending that becomes restrictive and selective. This impacts money (credit) market as mortgages becomes expensive. Stock markets start fluctuating wildly. Savings get reduced affecting pensioners a great deal. Use of credit cards becomes costlier. Foreclosures of mortgages and repossession of mortgaged properties become frequent feature of credit market, and worst the rate of bankruptcy rises. Credit crunch does not necessarily mean a period of recession. It is in fact a voluntary extension or interruption of monetary policy pursued by the federal bank. The success of any monetary policy depends upon attitude of lending institutions. 'Even if Fed increases the level of bank funds during a weak economy, banks may be unwilling to extend credit to some potential borrowers, and the result is credit crunch.'(Jeff Madura, page 93)1. The government some times introduces a sort of restrictive monetary policy that accentuates credit crunch. Jeff Madura (page 93) while explaining the effects of restrictive monetary policy states that 'as the money supply is reduced, and interest rates rise, some potential borrowers may be unable to obtain loans because interest payments would be too high. Thus the effects of restrictive monetary policy are magnified because higher interest rates not only discourage some potential borrowers but also prevent others from obtaining loans. Overall the c redit crunch may partially offset the desired effects of a simulative monetary policy and magnify the restrictive monetary policy.' The prime objective of every company these days is to create and enhance the shareholders' value. Let us first understand the meaning of the term 'shareholders' value' before analyzing the effects of credit crunch on shareholders' value. Shareholder makes investment in order to earn good dividends and capital gains when shareholder happens to sell the investment. In other words a shareholder is concerned about cash flows he receive from the investment and also about the appreciation of the value of investment that will result in after tax future cash flows. Ultimately the value of an investment is related to cash flows from such investment. Cash flows are connected directly to profitability of the firm and thus cash payout can be increased by increasing profitability. 'Since investors value cash payouts, managers increase shareholders value when they increase the present value of the firm's net cash flows, primarily by finding new ways to either increase revenues or reduce costs. Generating more cash or receiving it earlier increases shareholders value. Manipulating the timings of sales or expenses to increase reported earnings, however, will actually decrease shareholders value if it reduces the cash that can ultimately be paid out to shareholders.'(James A. Brickley, Clifford W. Smith, and Jerold L., page 23)2 It can be said that profitability that generates more cash flows in fact add to shareholders value, and vice versa. The focus is on cash payouts or cash flows on investments of shareholders. Also it is clear that profitability or growth of the company, that is ultimately important to generate cash flows, is the vital factor that affects the shareholders' value. Growth of a company is directly related to general upward economic

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Law and ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Law and ethics - Essay Example In the case at bar, Jack is already a 72-year-old man, who is at the time of the incident, intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol. Hence, at that precise moment, he cannot validly give consent of refuse a medical treatment which can put his health at risk. Therefore, although Jack is considered a competent adult, the current situation he is into will endanger his life if he refuses to be given a medical treatment taking into consideration his old age. His present medical condition can lead to further complications which can only be prevented by a timely treatment shall to be administered to him. 2. It is important that doctors shall give an assurance that Jack’s condition is stable. A certification coming from a doctor that Jack is out of any danger will justify Jack’s wishes to be left at home and that he is on his way to recovery. In the case of Malette V Shulman, [1991] 2 Med LR 162, Donnelly J., highlights that â€Å"the right to refuse treatment was an inhe rent  component of the supremacy of the patient's right over his own body not  premised on the risks of refusal. ... Details of good medical practice and duties of a doctor can be found at the General Medical website, which can be viewed at . Although Jack is a competent adult who can decide what to do with his own body, it is important that the first priority is the health of Jack and ensure his speedy recovery. It is the duty and responsibility of the doctor to make the care of his patient the main concern. The best interest and welfare of the patient should come first. 11. Although Jack may demonstrate the capability to carry-out a normal conversation, the fact that he is intoxicated and on warfarin is an indication that his present medical condition is unstable. The doctors cannot rely on the decision of Jack to stay at home and refuse treatment because his right to self-determination is impaired and inaccurate. His irrational decision of choosing to stay at home which can lead to internal hemorrhage or blot clot in his head signifies that he is incompetent to make a sound decision to protect h imself. In the case of Re: C (Adult: Refusal of Treatment), [1994], the Supreme Court ruled that he legal test for competence is set out in Justice Thorpe's  decision. â€Å"First is the ability of the patient to comprehend and retain the information; and Secondly, believing  it and Thirdly, weighing it in the balance to arrive at a choice." Here, there is a clear indication that the patient cannot fully understand and comprehend the consequences of his actions and decisions because he is under the influence of drugs (warfarin) and alcohol. Therefore, it is the duty of the doctors and the people surrounding him to make an intelligent decision for Jack, which is to bring him to

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Case Coca-Cola Essay Example for Free

Case Coca-Cola Essay Introduction Coca-Cola is one of the most respected companies in America. Here in the Philippines, Coca-Cola is still the patronized brand of soda. Coca Cola’s refreshing taste provides happiness to the people. Coca-Cola Neville Isdell is the new chief executive after Robert C. Goizueta died. Coca-Cola Company has a sole product line to offer in the market which is the carbonated soda like Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite and Fanta. Coke operations take place in India, China, and other 14 country around the world to reach the target market in dispersed area and to increase their market share. Through the effort of Roberto C. Goizueta, Coca-Cola rapidly grows in the year 1980’s to 1990’s when they introduce the product in the market. Coca Cola bottling operations was given to Cola-Cola Enterprises Inc. which Coca Cola Co. owns 49% of the stocks that allows them have enough control on the operations. Coke has a control on the pricing of the products and the decision on how many vending machines Coca-Cola Enterprises will purchase that will be used in distributing the coke products. Coke rival competitor in the market is the Pepsi Co. which grabs all the opportunities for the company to widen their product line which are interrelated. The goal of PepsiCo is to capture the area where there is strong possibility that they will grow. PepsiCo outlays Coca-Cola in expanding their product line by acquisition and mergers. Background of the problem Statement of the problem †¢What strategy can Coca-Cola use to cope up to the changing environment to become a market driven organization? Analysis of the problem Coca-Cola basically does not adapt changes in the market. They are ignoring the fact that their product is not in trend today. The members of the top management are still thinking in the past and try to strengthen the company by using the tactic that the former CEO Robert Goizueta used long ago. By doing this the company will be customer focus Alternative courses of action †¢Coca-Cola’s top management must initiate the transformation of the company to become a market driven organization. He must influence his subordinates by serving as a role model so that the frontline employees will be encourage to exert more effort in providing satisfaction or delight to customers. †¢Coca-Cola must implement innovation to their products that would fit the customer demand. They can also produce a new line of beverages that are healthy like milk and tea which will be offered to those people who are health conscious and are old citizens of the country. †¢Coca-Cola must acquire or enter in a merge with a beverage business other than soda. By this they can widen their product line and they can have other source of income other than carbonated soda that the demands start to decline. This is cause by the health conscious individuals and the product is perceive as bad to the human body because it can cause acidity if there is too much consumption. â₠¬ ¢Status-quo Recommendation Learning †¢Company must be market oriented, customer focus and possesses competitor intelligence. These factors are very important in providing customer satisfaction or delight. Customer is the one you would think in running your business because without them your business and your concept is useless. †¢Company should be dynamic and are not afraid to adapt to the new trends today. Everything is dynamic or changing, so the company should also be flexible enough to survive in the market in the long run. †¢Top management must be open-minded in the changes in the market to avoid the growth of a business or organization. Once the top management are stock in the traditional mindset and don’t permit change the company will never grow because today nothing is permanent.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Tractarian Objects Cannot Be Properties and Relations :: Philosophy Papers

Tractarian Objects Cannot Be Properties and Relations One of the most frequently discussed notions in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus is the notion of simple object. However, among the literature on Tractarian objects, recent or classic, none has treated configurations of objects as a major and non-trivial issue. In this paper, I show that a detailed study of configurations of objects will yield a series of interesting and important results: it leads to a new understanding of the picture theory, helps us calculate the maximum numbers of internal and external properties of objects, and enables us to reinterpret and reach a solution to the notorious debate on whether properties and relations should be included as Tractarian objects. In this paper I reinterpret and offer a solution to one of the most famous debates in Wittgenstein's early philosophy: the debate whether the Tractarian objects include properties and relations (hereinafter 'PRO' for the thesis that properties and relations are Tractarian objects, 'PRO debate' for the debate whether properties and relations are Tractarian objects, and 'PRO issue' for the issue whether properties and relations are Tractarian objects). Since the very beginning, PRO debate has been equated with the debate whether objects include universals in many secondary literatures. However, it seems to me that these two debates are not exactly the same thing, for the following reasons: PRO debate is in fact a debate concerning whether properties and relations are objects or "modes of configurations of objects" (hereinafter 'MCOs'), insofar as object and MCO are two distinct and exhaustive types of components of states of affairs. Since the essential difference between objects and MCOs is that objects can be the subject matter of states of affairs while MCOs cannot, PRO debate is essentially a debate concerning the logical status of properties and relations, i.e., whether properties and relations can be the subject matter of states of affairs. However, the debate whether objects include universals is a debate concerning the metaphysical nature of objects, i.e., whether some objects can have multiple instances at the same time. T he two debates are clearly not logically equivalent, for on the one hand, we can hold that properties and relations cannot be the subject matter of states of affairs, and yet insist that the Tractarian objects be abstract entities, e.g., Platonic forms; on the other, we can hold that properties and relations are also what states of affairs are about, and yet claim that they are nominalized properties and relations, and moreover, all of the Tractarian objects are particulars, e.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Madame Bovary and Techniques in Fiction

1. Conceptions: The Origin of a Story Gustave Flaubert in all probability got the idea for Madame Bovary when he and Louise Colet became lovers, in which the novel was written at the time of the affair. When Flaubert and his mistress first started to have the affair, they wrote love letters to each other as any other lover would. The letters that Flaubert would write were similar to the journals the authors use to help stimulate ideas for their novel. (TIF, 10) Flaubert in all wanted to expose the whole aspect of having affairs and encompassing mistresses. Putting the setting at his birthplace made him more comfortable with the area allowing him to have the full coverage of the city such as knowing all the streets and the back roads that Madame Bovary uses. (Flaubert, 261) The more familiar the area is the more realistic it would seem, such as where the houses were located. The whole aspect of the city is not imaginative but more practical. The characters in Madame Bovary resemble Flaubert and his family in many ways, for instance the elder Mrs. Bovary as Flaubert's mother. They both have are widows in their future life, and they have the sense of protectiveness of their children. Since Flaubert's father is a doctor, he had to incorporate that characteristic in Charles Bovary. However, I think the greatest resemblance between the characters of the novel and Flaubert's family is Flaubert and Madame Bovary because they both have nostalgia for Paris. As Flaubert places himself in a woman's place you can see his true self coming out. As they both want the pleasurable sensual feeling of love and to some extent, becomes a drug, where they are addicted and cannot find the end. Madame Bovary and Flaubert both have two lovers. Madame Bovary's downfall was the amount she spent on her lovers which leads her into debt and Flaubert engaged in his studies and focused on his writing. 2. Beginnings The beginning of the novel Charles is in school but is held back. It is not if it is the most horrific, or a quiet pleasurable moment in his life, but it would be the most rememberable moment in his life because he is at a school away from his family and he would be ridiculed consistently. At first, it seems as if Flaubert is starting from the beginning of Charles life because all the focus is on him but once he marries Emma, it is all about her. I do not understand why Flaubert started out this way because Charles is not the main character but is only an unimportant character that is just here from the beginning to the end. It does not seem as if the novel was placed in such historical or momentous occasion because the author does not insinuate anything. All he does say that Emma admires Joan of Arc and worships Mary of Scots. (Flaubert, 32) In most part, the reason why the novel is not based off an important event is that the characters have nothing to do with the occurrence. It all has to do with the characters, their emotions, and their daily wrong doings. The novel is not like Ann Frank, where the whole story is based off a historical incident but it is more like the novel itself has its own history. The â€Å"envelope† now makes the beginning of the novel more understandable. It is as if he is there from the beginning until the end. Although he is in every one of the life situations, it does not directly involve him. Through all the pain and heartache, Charles remains the same. The book Techniques in Fiction explains why Flaubert included the early years of Charles and why they prolonged the ending. It was so show Charles stupidity from the beginning to the end and he still wonders why life has put him through all this. He still is unable to acknowledge that his wife has put him through all this pain and that â€Å"Only fate is to blame†. (Flaubert, 302) Charles as a schoolboy is not any different from Charles as an adult. Both have the sense of idiocy all through out the novel. As the other school children ridicule him, it has not changed in his adult years. Emma is derides Charles not in his face as the school children did but in a secretive sort of way by having an affair with other men and by breaking the sacred vows of marriage. I would have to say that the novel is low beginning because it makes us more comfortable to get into the story and it does not have an intense moment where it makes us uneasy such as a melodramatic storm. (TIF, 50) Having included Charles and his early school years makes us at ease and more familiar to the story line on what is going to happen when. 3. Style and Speech â€Å"Every writer, by the way he uses the language, revels something of his spirit, his habits, his capacities, his bias.† (TIF, 55) The way Flaubert wrote reveled himself, the good and the bad, through the characters and events. He depicted himself through Madame Bovary, showed the world his real self and not just a faà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ade. His need for love, compassion and the fond of the arts were shown to the readers as Madame Bovary. The uses of metaphors are in the most common way unlike Alexander Theroux's novel The Wogs where he uses a profuse amount of metaphors in one paragraph. Flaubert uses the metaphors to clarify or to detail something, â€Å"we would throw them [caps] under the bench so hard that they struck the wall and raised a cloud of dust†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (MB, 2) To make the scene seem more interesting Flaubert would transition very well from writing without any literary devices to adding metaphors without a notice. This did not make the novel seem award at all but make it flow through very nicely. The way Flaubert added any dialogue made it as if any person would say such thing or he would make it seem so poetic it would seem so romantic. Flaubert made Charles' dialogue seem so dull like his character and Emma is so versatile. She would speak one way to Charles and another way to the pharmacist. Flaubert would make each of the characters had their own way of speaking as if the characters were alive and had their own personality and style. Flaubert follows the outline in Techniques in Fiction not perfectly but it does seem as if he tried. I know the outline was not used when Flaubert wrote this novel but it just shows how well of an author he is. The principles stated in the Techniques in Fiction are followed by Flaubert in Madame Bovary. There maybe a slight exception but that is very rare and most of the time the outline is followed. The manner in which Flaubert uses attribution is as the book puts it, where each character should have its own way of talking. The dialogue is not he said, she said because the dialogue is with emotion, â€Å"she exclaimed in surprise.† (MB, 120) 4. Characterization The characters display a certain consistency, even thought hey are subject to change. Like Charles is the kind of character that remains the same throughout the entire novel, unlike Emma who is the kind of character that is all innocent in the beginning and then come to a bigger city, becomes brash. Only Emma is the character that changes but the rest of the minor characters remain the same. The way the characters are depicted in the novel is not that descriptive but they are portrayed in the way they talk amongst themselves or by the way the other characters see them. The way Emma is first described for the first time when Charles first sees her. â€Å"Her hair was divided into two sections by a fine part running down the middle of her head; †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (MB, 13) Charles is described by the author as â€Å"a country boy, about fifteen, taller than all of us†. (MB, 1) When the characters meet each other the description runs in the thought of their heads. The use of expression, habits, gestures and movements are used very selectively for each character to make them seem alive. â€Å"†¦ he had outbursts of anger, followed by plaintive moans of infinite sweetness and the notes that pored from his bare throat were full of sobs and kisses.† (MB, 193) The expressions are used mostly describe the feelings for each other and their passionate quarrel or when Emma gets annoyed of Charles. Just off the dialogue, the behavioral status of the characters can be shown such as Emma and her attitude towards her husband Charles. â€Å"Ah, he carries a knife in his pocket, like a peasant.† (MB, 88) It can also show the love for the lovers in the affair. Just of the dialogue the characters show if they respect and love the other person or if they just show off as if they actually do care but they really do not. The way each of the characters speak is as if they have a mind of their own. Flaubert would make each of the characters had their own way of speaking as if the characters were alive and had their own personality and style. Emma would talked is hate to Charles and Berthe but with respect and compassion to the apothecary, the pharmacist and especially the men she is fond of, Rodolphe and Leon. They each have a different personality so it would just make sense if they talked differently. The attitude that each character has towards themselves is honorable. Emma has that sense of respect but also an impression of arrogance, the way she would end up in debt even after the bills had been loaned to her. They do not quarrel but they get along by going to their neighbors houses at night after dinner, or in Emma's case, to her lover's house. They way she has to go to his house secretly by following â€Å"the walls that ran along the water's edge†. (MB, 141) The character past comes in the beginning of the novel to show us what their personality is going to be like when they are introduced. 5. Point of View The point of view tells us from which perspective is the story being told. There may be ten different characters that means there would be ten different perceptions. The author has to decide in which perspective they would like the story to told from because each of the characters has a different outlook and opinion on the predicament. There might be a character that is almost invisible that can see everything, feel the characters emotions and clarify those sensations into the story, like the narrator in Madame Bovary. 6. Background; Setting; Place; Milieu As the story is placed in France during time that Gustave Flaubert is in, makes the story seem more reasonable since that Flaubert actually knows what is happening during the time. It is as if he has had some personal experiences. At first Charles is in a school because the country did not have the education that his parents wanted. It went on from there, the setting is still in France but it went from the country to a city back tot the country and back to the city. Once Charles got his professional degree, he moved in to a village sort of place, Tostes, where he married an old widow. Then he goes to a farm where Emma lives. They marry and stay at Tostes until there is a proposition in Rouen. The couple only stays in Tostes for about 2 years. That is where the rest of the story is, where Emma transforms from an innocent farm girl to a lust driven woman. 7. Narrative Style: Time and Pace in Fiction Flaubert told the story in a very reasonable fashion. He did not speed up quickly and leave out details nor did he go to slow and let each scene drag on. Each scene was perfectly proportional to the amount of dialogue and the narration. Each scene shows what is happening and is not leaving anything out like behavior, attitude, ect. Each scene coincides with each other; it does not seem out of place compared to the other. Flaubert also does not have the narrator state something and the character does it, but he lets the readers find out eventually. It doe not seem as if Flaubert made a plan or had a certain strategy on how to write the novel. Out of the four techniques that most authors use to sum up the storyline, Flaubert uses several separate scenes with narration going along with it. Having too much dialogue would dull the novel a little because the novel is mostly about Emma and the emotion she has. Time is very effective in the novel because it flashbacks in the beginning of the novel not confusing the readers and each time Emma remembers her life in Les Bertaux but as a mere remembrance. (MB, 44) The time scale is very effective in the sense that the story takes place in many years and it is not all cluttered up in to one day like Classical Literature. Having the time in that way helps build up the story and make it go on easily without any gawkiness. The novel is written in a present past tense, where the action has already taken place when the narrator is describing the scene, â€Å"But Charles replied that they were leaving the following day†. (MB, 198) if it was all in present tense it would not make sense because the setting and time is in the past around the late 19th century. Having it in the present past makes it seem more like a movie in the reader's mind, making the story more imaginative. 8. Plot and Story Some people would say that the plot and the story are interchangeable but the plot is the only thing the readers are interested in because it brings in suspense while the story is the whole account where it has all the minor details and a whole cluster of facts. The classical approach to writing a plot is to have description and background information, then to have the rising action in which the problem will derive from and after all that, the crisis. From there the character realizes there is a problem and then the catastrophe. Now here is the Madame Bovary plot summery in the classic approach. Emma is country born but reared in the city. She later marries a prosperous doctor but the only problem is that she does not love him. They move to Rouen and his practice is even more affluent. She realizes that she has feeling for her neighbor's younger roommate. One day she meets a very charming man and soon they start to have an affair. Things get to intense and he leaves. She secretly has an affair with her neighbor's roommate. She spends more and more money on him and their â€Å"home†. Soon she is too in debt and she must pay it all back to the â€Å"loan officer†. She does not have enough money by the deadline so she decides to k ill her self. Now the practical solution for a plot seems more reasonable than the classic approach that Aristotle had conceived. There is a problem, the crisis deepens, then the problem is recognized and after that, the world is changed, for the better or for the worse. It is somewhat ironic that Emma has cheated on her husband and she has hit a dead end, she has nowhere to go and her status has been stripped from her, no wonder she decided to kill herself. There is no explanation for Charles to treat her like a goddess even what she has put him though. When Emma first felt something for Leon, which was the first sign that something was going to happen. Whenever Charles gives something to her, she acts as if it is not good enough for her but she keeps on spending money on herself and not anyone else, even her own daughter. When Madame Bovary dies, it was a bit of a shock because she wanted to live in riches and show Rouen what she really is about, but after her scandal came public, that must have put a deep hole in her reputation. There was not a real surprise end because Charles says numerous times that he could not live with out Emma and when he did die of grief, it was sad for them to leave their daughter as an orphan. This novel definitely had a double plot because of the affairs and the debt she keeps digging deeper into. When she had her first affair with Rodolphe, I was sure that she was going to get caught but she was saved. That did not stop her though. She had feelings for Leon and she made sure that they would spend time together at least once a week. Each time she lied, she had to lie again to cover up the previous lies and all she ended up in was a huge web of lies that she got confused in. Flaubert did not complete all of the checkpoints in Techniques in Fiction because they all do not apply to every novel but they include every novel. Each novel has a different genre and each genre has different expectations. In each genre, there are sub genres and they require to have certain things. 9. Organic Form and Final Meaning Flaubert is an emotional person who does not give a care about the world and what they think about him and his novel. He never wrote the book for the shameless readers but the idealists who have the sense of modernization. His views of the â€Å"modern† world are quite different from the idealist that the world really was not modern but it was only in our heads and that technology has increased world knowledge. His writing techniques and the need for perfection; The methods in which he reaches perfection is not of normal people, he boasts out loud for hours until is sounds the way he needs it to sound. He wanted to be known for his perfection and not how he modernized the world. Gustave Flaubert is a realist who is infatuated with perfection and style. Flaubert wanted to show society what hey were really about but he did not want to make it complicated by explaining it so he showed it through his characters. He wanted to make an impacted on culture and not just another reading book. One of the reasons why this novel is faithless is because he grew up at the height of the romance movement and that is how the people of civilization behaved. Gustave believed that the personality and style of the author must vanish into the book and the book must not lose its originality. He deemed that style was impersonal and it is unique in the sense that expressing things are intensified in color. Who would think that to take the dreariest setting, the prettiest characters, and the most common to would make a masterpiece? All of theses symbols: the knife, the silly cap, cigar case, all encompassed who Charles really was, a lowly doctor with no individuality. The way Flaubert included the â€Å"small, ignoble Venice† of the river in Rouen and the pimples on his first wife's face was like † the budding of spring† made the scene more interesting making his style more impressive and ideal. The way Emma sees Charles as the dorky village doctor, and how the children say as unromantic, clearly shows the lack of respect the she has for him, his entire life is devoted to her. To show that even cared he forgave her lover saying that it was destiny that choose its path. The way Flaubert embraced Charles and his affection to his daughter Berthe has included a bit of himself and his care for his motherless niece. Madame Bovary is a historicist fallacy because the readers judge the book because of the time it was written in and what the time and setting is. Flaubert did not want dell with the lawsuits and the modernization of France. All he wanted to do was put out in words what societies doing. His need for perfection really made him strive for the perfect sound. He would work for hours on days until he could find that one word that drove him crazy.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Different types of business information Essay

Verbal Communication Speaking verbal to someone is speaking out loud. This includes talking face to face, in a meeting or in an interview. The advantages of verbal communication are it is a fast way to reach information but this information can be easily forgotten. Another advantage is that speech is direct and straight to the point. Another advantage is that if you ask a question you get answer straight away no need to wait around. However they are some disadvantages if you are talking to someone it may not be legal to talk to about specific topics. Another disadvantage is they are no proof to say you have spoke to that person. Also if you are speaking to someone who does not speak English it is going to take time and money to get a translator. Also another disadvantage is not everyone is listening. Face to Face Speaking face to face is a good way to communicate because you are they talking to them and you can ask those questions and get a reply straight away, also if you didn’t understand something you could just ask them to repeat themselves. However they are some disadvantages, if the person you’re talking to speaks a different language, words can be misunderstood. Phone Call Making a phone call to someone has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of a phone call is you can tell someone information quick and easy and you would get an answer straight away. Another advantage is that you can get straight to the point and you can make a phone call anywhere. The disadvantages of making a phone call is your words could be misunderstood and your line could break up. Non-Verbal Communication Digital Email Email is very quick and a very easy way of getting in touch with other people. Once you send an email its sends instantly, so they will receive it a lot faster than if you would have sent it by a letter in the post. There are some disadvantages you need a secure internet link to send emails, also you have to type the correct email address in these complications mean many people prefer to make phone calls instead of emails. Non Digital Written Communication This is an old fashion way of communicating with other people, the advantages there is none we have faster and better technology to communicate. The disadvantages are is slow, the postal service takes up to 3 days just to deliver the letter that’s if it even gets to the address because nowadays post can get lost in the system.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

testosterone and gender role essays

testosterone and gender role essays There are many ways that people are expected to act today. Girls are supposed to wear dresses and make up while the boys are supposed to be strong and athletic. This expectation is often not filled, and quiet often is not ones own fault. You may see a difference of gender role in preschool girls. A study has been performed to decide if levels of testosterone relates to gender roles in preschool girls. There were three major methods used in this experiment. This information was collected as part of the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) which is the measuring factors associated with pregnancy and the outcome of childrens health. The three major procedures are Gender-role behavior, Hormonal measures, and Background factors. Gender-role behavior is studied using a questionnaire test called the Pre-School Activities Inventory (PSAI). This is measured on which parents indicate their childs involvement in sex-type behaviors. This includes twenty-four items of a variety of sex type toys, games, and activities. The test is scored on a five point scale, which ranges from never to very often. The higher scores of this test show that one has more masculine behaviors, whereas the lower scores show that one has more feminine behaviors. This test is taken by the mother or guardian when the child is three and a half years of age. More than two thousand children in the U.S, U.K., and Netherlands have taken this test. The second method used was hormone measures. During routine prenatal care, there is a maternal blood sample taken. These blood samples were taken when it was convenient for the mother, although they targeted between sixteen and twenty weeks of pregnancy. Because it was made convenient, the samples then ranged from five to thirty-six weeks into pregnancy. After they had received the sample, they would spin the blood to form plasma aliquots of .5mL and then the testosterone is tested throu...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Biography of Benito Juárez, Mexicos Liberal Reformer

Biography of Benito Jurez, Mexico's Liberal Reformer Benito Jurez  (March 21, 1806–July 18, 1872) was a Mexican politician and statesman of the late 19th century and president of Mexico for five terms during the turbulent years of 1858–1872. Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of Jurez’s life in politics was his background: he was a full-blooded native of Zapotec descent and the only full-blooded native to ever serve as president of Mexico. He did not even speak Spanish until he was in his teens. He was an important and charismatic leader whose influence is still felt today. Fast Facts: Benito Juarez Known For: First Mexican president of full Mexican heritageAlso Known As: Benito Pablo Jurez Garcà ­aBorn: March 21, 1806 in  San Pablo Guelatao, MexicoParents: Brà ­gida Garcà ­a and Marcelino JurezEducation:   Oaxaca Institute of Arts and SciencesDied: July 18, 1872  in Mexico City, MexicoAwards and Honors:  Namesake for many roads and schools as well as the Mexico City airportSpouse: Margarita Maza  Children: 12 with Margarita Maza; 2 with Juana Rosa ChagoyaNotable Quote: Among individuals, as among nations, respect for the rights of others is peace. Early Years Born on March 21, 1806, into grinding poverty in the rural hamlet of San Pablo Guelatao, Jurez was orphaned as a toddler and worked in the fields for most of his young life. He went to the city of Oaxaca at the age of 12 to live with his sister and worked as a servant for a time before being noticed by Antonio Salanueva, a Franciscan friar. Salanueva saw him as a potential priest and arranged for Jurez to enter the Santa Cruz seminary, where young Benito learned Spanish and law before graduating in 1827. He continued his education, entering the Institute of Science and Art  and graduating in 1834 with a law degree. 1834–1854: His Political Career Begins Even before his graduation in 1834, Jurez was involved in local politics, serving as a city councilman in Oaxaca, where he earned a reputation as a staunch defender of native rights. He was made a judge in 1841 and became known as a fiercely anti-clerical liberal. By 1847 he had been elected governor of the state of Oaxaca. The United States and Mexico were at war from 1846 to 1848, although Oaxaca was nowhere near the fighting. During his tenure as governor, Jurez angered conservatives by passing laws allowing for the confiscation of church funds and lands. After the end of the war with the United States, former President Antonio Là ³pez de Santa Anna had been driven from Mexico. In 1853, however, he returned and quickly set up a conservative government that drove many liberals into exile, including Jurez. Jurez spent time in Cuba and New Orleans, where he worked in a cigarette factory. While in New Orleans, he joined with other exiles to plot Santa Anna’s downfall. When the liberal general Juan Alvarez launched a coup, Juarez hurried back  and was there in November 1854 when Alvarez’s forces captured the capital. Alvarez made himself president and named Jurez the minister of justice. 1854–1861: Conflict Brewing The liberals had the upper hand for the moment, but their ideological conflict with conservatives continued to smolder. As minister of justice, Jurez passed laws limiting church power, and in 1857 a new constitution was passed, which limited that power even further. By then, Jurez was in Mexico City, serving in his new role as chief justice of the Supreme Court. The new constitution turned out to be the spark that reignited the smoking fires of conflict between the liberals and conservatives, and in December 1857, conservative general Fà ©lix Zuloaga overthrew the Alvarez government. Jurez and other prominent liberals were arrested. Released from prison, Jurez went to Guanajuato, where he declared himself president and declared war. The two governments led by Jurez and Zuloaga were sharply divided, mostly over the role of religion in government. Jurez worked to further limit the powers of the church during the conflict. The U.S. government, forced to pick a side, formally recognized the liberal Jurez government in 1859. This turned the tide in favor of the liberals, and on Jan. 1, 1861, Jurez returned to Mexico City to assume the presidency of a united Mexico. European Intervention After the disastrous reform war, Mexico and its economy were in tatters. The nation still owed great sums of money to foreign nations, and in late 1861, Britain, Spain, and France united to send troops to Mexico to collect. Intense, last-minute negotiations convinced the British and Spanish to withdraw, but the French remained  and began fighting their way to the capital, which they reached in 1863. They were welcomed by conservatives, who had been out of power since Jurez’s return. Jurez and his government were forced to flee. The French invited Ferdinand Maximilian Joseph, a 31-year-old Austrian nobleman, to come to Mexico and assume rule. In this, they had the support of many Mexican conservatives, who thought that a monarchy would best stabilize the country. Maximilian and his wife Carlota arrived in 1864, where they were crowned emperor and empress of Mexico. Jurez continued the war with the French and conservative forces, eventually forcing the emperor to flee the capital. Maximilian was captured and executed in 1867, effectively ending the French occupation. Death Jurez was reelected to the presidency in 1867 and 1871, but he did not live to finish his last term. He was felled by a heart attack while working at his desk on July 18, 1872. Legacy Today, Mexicans view Jurez much like some Americans see Abraham Lincoln: he was a firm leader when his nation needed one and took a side on a social issue that drove his nation to war. There is a city (Ciudad Jurez) named after him, as well as countless streets, schools, businesses, and more. He is held in particularly high regard by Mexico’s considerable indigenous population, which rightly views him as a trailblazer in native rights and justice. Sources Gonzalez Navarro, Moises. Benito Juarez. Mexico City: El Colegio de Mexico, 2006.Hammett, Brian. Jurez. Profiles in Power.  Longman Press, 1994. Ridley, Jasper. Maximilian Juarez. Phoenix Press, 2001.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Financial analysis project guidelines Research Paper

Financial analysis project guidelines - Research Paper Example The first market is the Americas market segment. The second is the Europe market segment. The third is the Middle_East & Africa market segment. The last major market segment is called China/Asia Pacific (Starbucks, 2015). Starbucks’ financial statement ratios firmly describe the company’s viable two year financial performance. The above table 1 shows the abstract of the financial performance of Starbucks for 2013 and 2014. In terms of the current asset financial statement ratio, the company’s 2014 financial performance was better than its prior 2013 financial performance. In terms of the Debt to Equity or leverage financial statement ratio, the company’s 2013 financial performance was better than its 2014 financial performance. In terms of the Net Profit Ratio financial statement ratio, the company’s 2014 financial performance was better than the 2013 financial performance. In terms of the Return on Equity financial statement ratio, the company’s 2014 financial performance was significantly better than its previous 2013 financial performance. The company’s return on total assets financial statement ratio, the company’s 2014 financial performance was better than its prior 2013 financial performance. The above table 2 shows the current ratio financial statement performance of Starbucks for 2014 and 2013. The 2014 current assets, $ 4,168.70 million figure represents 137 percent of the 2014 current liabilities, $3,038.70 million. The 2013 current assets, $ 5,471.40 million amount is 102 percent of the 2013 current liabilities, $5,377.30 million. Clearly, the company’s 2014 current ratio financial performance is significantly better than the 2013 current ratio output. The two years’ performance shows there are more than enough current assets available for the payment of the current liabilities (Epstein, 2011). It is highly recommended that Starbucks branches should further increase its current ratio financial

Friday, November 1, 2019

Politics and government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Politics and government - Essay Example Additionally, politics is applied on an extensive range of communal levels, from modern local governments, tribes and clans of traditional community, institutions and companies up to international levels, and also to independent states. Therefore, Government is the system through which a community or state is governed. However, the term government can be used scarcely to refer to a combined group of people who carry outs executive authority in a nation. Thus, the broader definition of the word government, generally consists of administrators, arbitrators and legislators. Thus, Government is the means by which the mechanism for determining the policy of the state and enforcement of the state policy. Furthermore, a form of state government thus refers to a set of political institutions and systems that come up with the establishment of a particular government. Additionally, both government and politics are words that are interrelated and are reliant on each other. For instance, for governing one needs to be aware of the politics art. Whereas a politician who is in control must know how to govern. In today’s society, politics is important because it tells people how societies should be formed and how one should act in a community. Moreover, due to the power, governments have abused lately, some people don’t believe its importance in the community or society. However, government is necessary and will be necessary if every new age group comes up with a new crop of predators. Therefore, the governments upholds individual bill of rights through the constitution. For instance, the freedom to speech, freedom to association, freedom of worship among others. Further, the na me of this political system is socialism. Lastly, politicians set rules and regulations that are fundamental for the smooth running of the government (Hague and Harrop, 210). My level of interest in politics and